Assuming your Hadoop setup ( local-standalone, pseudo-distributed or
fully-distributed) is done .
If not please follow
Next - 
Write Example Word count program  in -

Assuming HADOOP_HOME is the root of the installation and HADOOP_VERSION is
the Hadoop version installed, compile and create a jar:

$ mkdir wordcount_classes
$ javac -classpath ${HADOOP_HOME}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}-core.jar -d
$ jar -cvf /usr/joe/wordcount.jar -C wordcount_classes/ .

Assuming that:

/usr/joe/wordcount/input - input directory in HDFS
/usr/joe/wordcount/output - output directory in HDFS
Sample text-files as input:
$ bin/hadoop dfs -ls /usr/joe/wordcount/input/

$ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/input/file01
Hello World Bye World

$ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/input/file02
Hello Hadoop Goodbye Hadoop

Run the application:

$ bin/hadoop jar /usr/joe/wordcount.jar org.myorg.WordCount
/usr/joe/wordcount/input /usr/joe/wordcount/output

I hope this will help you compiling and running your WordCount program .

If you any further problems in running this example then post steps you have
followed and stack error out put .


On 6/13/09 8:50 PM, "bharath vissapragada" <>

> The details provided in this page are not that clear . I am a newbie to java
> , so please take the pain of explaining because .. i am not able to compile
> the java code to make a jar file . It is giving many errors such as
> "packages not found" . This means that there is some problem with the path ,
> Classpath etc. Someone kindly explain
> Thanks
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Ravi Phulari <>wrote:
>> > You can find answers to your all questions on this web page .
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -
>> > Ravi
>> >
>> > On 6/13/09 3:30 AM, "bharath vissapragada" <>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > Also please tell me , how to set path and stuff , and directory in wch the
>> > code mst be compiled etc,
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 3:58 PM, bharath vissapragada <
>> >> wrote:
>> >
>>> > > Hi all,
>>> > > I wrote a java code(map-reduce). Can anyone tell me in detail, how to
>>> > > it on hadoop (right from how to create a jar file).. or send me a link
>>> > > specifying the same.
>>> > >
>>> > > Thanks in advance
>>> > >
>>> > >
>> >
>> >

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