If the BackupNode doesn't promise HA, then how would additional testing on this 
feature aid in the HA story?  Maybe you could expand on the purpose of 
HADOOP-4539 because now I'm confused.

How does the approaching 0.21 cutoff translate into a release date for 0.21?


-----Original Message-----
From: ext Steve Loughran [mailto:ste...@apache.org] 
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 5:36 AM
To: core-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: Name Node HA (HADOOP-4539)

Andrew Wharton wrote:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-4539
> I am curious about the state of this fix. It is listed as
> "Incompatible", but is resolved and committed (according to the
> comments). Is the backup name node going to make it into 0.21? Will it
> remove the SPOF for HDFS? And if so, what is the proposed release
> timeline for 0.21?

The way to deal with HA -which the BackupNode doesn't promise- is to get 
involved in developing and testing the leading edge source tree.

The 0.21 cutoff is approaching, BackupNode is in there, but it needs a 
lot more tests. If you want to aid the development, helping to get more 
automated BackupNode tests in there (indeed, tests that simulate more 
complex NN failures, like a corrupt EditLog) would go a long way.


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