Bay Area Hadoop Fans,

We're excited to hold our first Hadoop User Group at Cloudera's office
in Burlingame (just south of SFO). We pushed the start time back 30
minutes to allow a little extra time to drive further north, and we
hope the mid-way location brings more users from San Francisco.

Since seems to be the norm for HUGs around the country, we
created a meetup group for the bay area
( Join this
group to stay up to date with additional meetings and locations -
we're hoping to move the location around potentially alternating
between north bay and south bay.

We've scheduled the next meetup for July 15th at 6:30 PM. Our office
isn't huge, but we do have room for 40 friendly people:

We'll focus this meeting on Hadoop 0.20 and the split of "core" into
mapreduce, hdfs and common projects. Specifically, we'll go over new
features, API changes, upgrade experiences and more. If you'd like to
present about your experience, please let me know. If you'd like to
present about something else all together, also let me know, and we'll
see what we can do at this, or a later meetup.

We'll provide beer, drinks and snacks, and if there are any board game
fans in the house, we won't kick you our afterwards :-) On a more
serious note, after the meetup is a great opportunity to meet
Cloudera's engineering team and get advice about any headaches you
might be having.

We'll post the agenda to the meetup group as soon as we hear from
potential presenters and nail things down.


get hadoop:
online training:

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