
On 01/05/2016 07:13 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Day 1 summary
> ============
> Decisions made
> -----------------------
> - Seems like our current commit ID -> URL service can be updated to handle
> our transition
> Open issues
> -------------------
> - What tools and commands will we use to convert the repos?
> - How do we want to handle Misc/NEWS?
> - What are the exact commands we are going to expect core devs to run
> (which will be documented in the devguide)?
> - Who to use for CI (although Donald is the only one to speak up and likes
> Travis as do I, so this might be decided)?
> - Who to use for code coverage (Donald has suggested codecov)?
> - Do we want to add GitHub login support for b.p.o to ease in adding
> people's GitHub username and to minimize the need for two accounts to
> propose a patch that has a corresponding issue?

a small question: could it be possible to access (some of) the services
in a REST-ish form through a wrapper on https://www.python.org/dev

I mean something like:

Service     External-Service        Python-Website-Address-Wrapper
cpython     GitHub       https://www.python.org/dev/cpython
issues      ...          https://www.python.org/dev/cpython-issues
website     GitHub       https://www.python.org/dev/website
buildbots   ...          https://www.python.org/dev/cpython-buildbots
devinabox   GitHub       https://www.python.org/dev/cpython-devinabox
coverage    codecov      https://www.python.org/dev/cpython-coverage
docs        GitHub       https://www.python.org/dev/cpython-docs

Couldn't be then some bots external-provider independent/decoupled?

Thanks in advance!


PS: Sorry if I got some external-service wrong

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