On 7 February 2016 at 05:42, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> FIrst off, thanks to everyone who has stepped out and started running
> various approaches to test them out! Any and all help is appreciated since
> there are a lot of parts to this transition and I definitely don't want to
> do it on my own (especially since Python 2.7 would have its last release by
> the time I would finish with all the work).
> Second, does anyone -- or group of people -- want to own this and figure out
> what to try out, keep track of what has been tried, come up with some way to
> evaluate the results (both for accuracy in the conversion but also if there
> is some way to say one is better than another), and come back to the list
> with a solution? All I ask is you try to do it in the open (whether it's by
> a Google Doc that's open to the public for comment or a GitHub repo, I don't
> care) so people who want to help can? It seems there are people definitely
> willing to try out the tools and report back, but I'm looking for
> someone/people to organize the effort and come back to me with a thought-out
> solution so I don't have to. :)

For beaker-project.org, I found it really useful to have an
"administrivia" repo in our Gerrit instance for all the random scripts
that didn't have a proper home, but we also didn't want the sole copy
living on someone's hard drive.

Creating a similar repo (e.g. "core-workflow") under
https://github.com/python would likely be useful here, since it would
not only give people a place to collaborate on utility scripts, but
also an ad hoc issue tracker for tasks that don't have a more
appropriate home.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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