Since "/" is made up of so many objects I thought it would be a
good candidate for the RAM Cache Manager.  However, this seems
to screw up the file type.

The pages of my blog uses UTF-8, and the blog_header DTML method has
the following DTML call at the top of the file:

<dtml-call "REQUEST.setHeader('Content-Type','text/hmtl; charset=utf-8')">

This works like a charm until I activate the RAM Cache Manager, then
the "charset=utf-8" part seems to be lost, and instead Zope announces
that the pages are just "text/html" (with unspecified charset).  Same
thing happens with the RDF file (announced as 'text/xml' instead of
'text/xml; charset=utf-8').

I let Zope (ZServer/Medusa) serve the pages off my sites, and so I
don't have Apache or similar in front of Zope (nor do I want to).

Any suggestions?  Are any of you using the Cache Manager, and have you
succeeded in announcing the correct charset for your blog?


  // Klaus

Klaus Alexander Seistrup · Copenhagen · Denmark ·
COREblog-en mailing list

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