
I'm currently trying to customize the look of my blog. I've been fiddling
around a bit, and also looked at the how-to hints:


Still I have some questions. The major one right now is what css to change.
at my server space I've got a style_css in the contents folder, and also
another one in the /skin/TrondSkin folder.

I first tried to change the /skin/TrondSkin/style_css, but nothing happens
to the look of the blog. Instead I had to alter the contents folder

>From the how to I get the impression that I should have done my changes
inside the /skin/TrondSkin/ folder. Am I missing something obvious?

In the Properties tab the Skin name string is set to "TrondSkin" and in the
Skins stab, I've selected TrondSkin from the pop up menu. As far as I can
see, I've got these settings right.



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