Mike mailed me a preliminary version on April 25th. It was also CC-ed to the
list, but checking past mails from the list and the archieve it seems that
it was never distributed on the list for some reason.

The CSS-based skin is working very well, and even if I did not have a lot of
experience on using CSS beforehand, it was very easy to change the layout of
my log:


Thanks a lot, Mike!

IMHO it would be great if the CSS skin could be adopted in future CoreBlog
There's still a few issues to iron out. Some of these I'll take care of
myeslf but I also notice a few issues that seems to mainly come from the
CoreBlog modules:

- at the end of blog posts, the author is always bold. In accordance with
the CSS, I'd prefer author to be a class so that I myself could decide what
formatting to use. It would proberbly also be a good idea if seperate
classes was used for blog entries and the author part of "recent comments".

Another formatting issue that should be looked into is the misplacement of
the <b> tag for author in "recent comments", looking this way:

Recent Comments

    * Re: Changes to CoreBlog settings<b>(Trond</b> : 04/09 09:06)

I've been checking out a number of blogs linked to at CoreBlog.org, and it
seems to me that this is not caused by the CSS skin but is a leftover from
general CoreBlog formatting. There's also another inconsistency in the
formatting of modules that I'd like changed. For the "recent comments" and
"recent trackbacks" modules I'd prefer a space between the name of the entry
and the paranthesis containing name of author and date/time). Formatting is
slightly inconsistent as compared to the Categories module.

I haven't been able to figure out how to change this myself. If anyone has a
hint or two, I'd appreciate it. I could proberbly then also figure out how
to remove the skin selection menu at the top of the page. While it's great
for demonstrating the power of CSS in CoreBlog, I'd like to have one look
only for my own blog.


> I read about the CSS centered Coreblog version. I am really interested
> in it, as messing with DTML is no fun.
> So when will it be ready for download? Or fetchable from some CVS?

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