Hi everyone

First of all, apologies for taking so long to post this... we've been
swamped with other work lately.

Quite a few people have gotten in touch to ask where they can download the
zpt-css skin for coreblog.  I *did* try sending it as a zip attachment to
this list some time ago, but it was rejected by the moderator on size

We've placed a .tgz archive of the files needed, with some instructions,
at the following URL:


This is an early, preliminary version, but it should work.  Just download
and unpack the .tgz file and read the read_me within it for further
instructions on installing the skin, using the blog-this-page bookmarklet,
and leveraging plone a bit when coreblog is placed in Members folders in a
plone site.  We'll try to provide more extensive documentation ( on
changing the alternative stylesheets, for example ) in a later release,
but if you know zpt you should be able to see where to make changes quite

The main files that you might want to change are

MACRO page templates:

blog_block_macros - macros for the main page components other than entry
sidebar_macros - macros for the sidebar components
entry_list_macro - (not really a macro!) - one entry

MAIN page templates ( these are required by the coreblog architecture )



get_blogThisPage_bookmarklet - view this to get the javascript url for
your bookmarklet

NOTE:  We have quite a bit of further work started but not yet deployable:
 for using the kupu wysiwyg editor, for enhancing the addition of
multimedia content for blog entries, and for editing and creating entries
from within the blog.




Mike Malloch,
Software Architect,
KnowNet Ltd

post:   6 Menai View Terrace, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2HF, WALES
web:    http://www.theknownet.com

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