I recently installed Coreblog onto my Zope server and ran into some DTML issues. I am customizing CoreBlog for a news site. I would like to take a snippet of the blogs for any given day and display them on the front door as a teaser to the full blog page. So, a new blog entry gets displayed on both the front door of the site and on the actual full blog page.

For the front door teaser portion I took the index_html page and just eliminated certain pieces of the code to create the text snippet. The problem is that I am having serious problems calling this altered index_html page onto the front door using dtml-var expressions.

Essentially, Zope acquisition by DTML functions by calling variables in the same folder or in parent folders. But I am attempting to call contents in a child folder by using code like this:

<dtml-var expr="blogs.altered_index()">

But so far it is unsuccessful, as other variables like "blog_header" are not recognized. I think that I am in the wrong "namespace."

I tried using this code, but ended up just getting raw code:

<dtml-var expr="blogs.altered_index">

Any suggestions here? Much appreciated, BB

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