
Ran into a strange situation: Was trying to post a entry that added up to
43 lines (2017 characters) long. In preview mode, it looked fine. When I
executed "add entry", the post got truncated to 32 lines (1487 characters)

See 3 most recent entries here - http://sandbox.rulemaker.net/ngps/

53 is the problematic one. When I saw the truncation, I edited 53 to try to
paste the missing bottom; it didn't appear. So I posted 54 and tried to put
the missing part there (using X11 copy-&-paste, by way of vim), but what
appeared is what you see now. When that happened, I posted 55 (couldn't
resist, sorry, Shibata-san) and went to bed.

Very strange. Has anyone encountered this?

(I'm still running 0.6b.)

Thanks. Cheers.

Ng Pheng Siong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

http://firewall.rulemaker.net     -+- Firewall Version Control
http://sandbox.rulemaker.net/ngps -+- ZServerSSL/Zope Windows Installers
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