
I'm new with COREBlog, and following Luistxo's ideas I've started a
multilanguage blog at the url in my signature.

My multilanguage approach is not very good, but I think it's enough
for the moment. I separate posts regarding their main category (eu for
basque and es for spanish) and get them using rev_category_entry_items
according user selected language obtained from Localizer.

But if I use main category for the language, the posts are not
clasified in other categories. Well this also happens usually. If I
set "Internet" as main category and "Google" as other category in a
post, this post will be clasified as "Internet" and will not appear if
I select items from category "Google".

Looking at COREBlog's source code, it doesn't seem to be too difficult
 to implement this.

at line 867 of COREBlog.py we find (in ref_category_entry_list): 

if obj.category and obj.category[0] == int_cat:
       if not consider_moderation or obj.moderated:

This code only looks at first category of the post if modified posts
will be clasified in all categories:

if obj.category and int_cat in obj.category:
       if not consider_moderation or obj.moderated:

Also, the way to get number of items in each category  should be modified.

This categorizing system is used in both MT and WordPress, perhaps
they allow to set more than one main category, I don't know, but it
could be a great approach.

Mikel Larreategi
COREblog-en mailing list

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