Also, Nils, that patch description implies that VGA is working but on
switching from X to console, gets messed up. That is not the problem that
I'm having. I literally get nothing coming out of the VGA device.

Andrew Bolster


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On 12 July 2011 19:55, Nils <> wrote:

> Andrew Bolster wrote:
> > Can anyone point me in the direction of how to set up coreboot +
> > seabios so that it actually uses the VGA?
> I am struggling with the same problem for some time now.
> Extracting the original VGA as Peter suggests won't work because the LX
> VSA we use is stripped down and doesn't have the graphics init routines
> in it anymore.
> The most promising solution that should work (i didn't test it yet) i
> could find is this:
> It seems Chris is not working on it anymore and Kevin did not approve it
> in it's current state for inclusion in Seabios.
> Thanks, Nils.
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