On 07/16/11 01:55 PM, Peter Stuge wrote:
Patrick Arnoux wrote:
we don't have any documentation for the i965 (crestline) Memory
Not sure if this is the relevant document,
Mobile IntelĀ® 965 Express
Chipset Family
It isn't. This is only a shallow overview of the chipset. The
neccessary documentation requires two levels of NDAs with Intel
which in turn requires a solid business case. Further, having access
to the right application engineers within Intel during development
can easily make the difference of several man-months of forward and
reverse engineering, trial and error and guesswork. (Ie. the NDAed
docs are also not exhaustive.


This "shallow overview" weighs in at over 500 pages. I guess it means we are not in Kansas anymore.
These NDAed docs must rival "War and Peace".

As I am still very much interested in the T61, and if you all don't mind, I would like to ask a couple of
questions :
A) My first thought was to start from the T60, modify whatever needed to be and thank you ma'am Simplistic, yes, but are the T60 and T61 so fundamentally different that this is never going to fly. B) Besides the i965 Controller, what other chips do we need documentation for on the T61 ? C) If I can get to the point where control is handed over to the on disk Boot Block (mind you, this can be USB, DVD, CD, PCMCIA, or Hard disk), do I care anymore about the BIOS. Does an Operating System ;Solaris, Linux, Unix or whatever just goes on about its business and really couldn't give two hoots about whether and what kind of BIOS exists on the machine. D) If there are indeed system calls made to the BIOS, what are they and what are the affected chips. E) What is the minimum level of hardware initialization that needs to be done in order to be able to
        load an OS.
F) Bottom line, I am not interested in an all singing, all dancing BIOS, I just want to load the OS and to paraphrase a quote from Linus T. I just ran into, he just wants the BIOS to load the OS and get
        the double F out of the way!

I would really appreciate it if people with knowledge of any of the above points would take the time to
comment about what they know and I will take it upon myself to summarize.

And if you feel like telling me to go Read The FAQ or the Fine Manual, please, point me in the right direction.
It would also be appreciated.


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