Dear Tanguy,

Am Donnerstag, den 18.08.2011, 10:35 +0200 schrieb Tanguy Ortolo:

> Following your comment on my blog post [1], I am contacting you I am now
> looking for more information in order to try that.
>     [1]

great that I could arouse your interest in coreboot. Just to clear
things up I am no developer so please post specific questions to the

> If I want to try coreboot safely, I need a new DIP8 flash chip, do you
> know where I could buy one? Is this common electronic material, that can
> be found in a local store? I am not really fond of electronics so I do
> not know much on that subject. :-)

There is an entry in the FAQ [1] and I also posted a message to the list
[2] for people to share their experiences. According to Rudolf [3]
<> is a good pick to order from if you live in

Tanguy, I guess you live in France. Hopefully someone can recommend a
store there or you could try to go into an electronics store in your
city and ask them.

> Now, the current UEFI firmware from ASRock provides an interface for
> configuring some mainboard settings such as the SATA mode. What does
> that become with coreboot?

Coreboot only initializes the hardware and gives control afterward to a
so called payload. Unfortunately there does not exist a payload yet to
let you configure such setting as far as I know.

There are certain settings stored in NVRAM you can configure/set using
`nvramtool` if I am not mistaken. But I am not sure what exact settings
are stored in NVRAM for ASRock E350M1/USB3. So the hard way is to change
the settings in the source and rebuild the image and flash it to the

> Finally, in order to use coreboot I shall need to configure it for my
> board, then compile it and flash it: can that be done in place with
> flashrom?

Yes, flashrom was originally developed to be able to flash a coreboot
image to the flash chip under GNU/Linux.




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