
First of all, let me wish you, all the people involved in the Coreboot project 
hackers and enthusiasts, a great and happy New Year!

Next, following some discussions I've had at the 28c3 event in Berlin, I would 
like to propose a coreboot hackaton at the 12,13 and 14 april in Paris. If all 
goes OK, we could take profit from the organisation of the event "Hackito Ergo 
Sum", wich takes place at the same dates in Paris. Hopefully there will be some 
kind of "hack area" like the "hackcenter" of the CCC Congress, where we could 
install our stuff. The guy I have meet told me that providing space for 6-7 
people will be no problem. Regarding the accomodation and other logistical 
details, unfortunately I can not give you more info yet.
Now I would like to know if there are some coreboot people which are intersted 
by this ideea, and if enough persons are interested I will proceed with further 
organizatoric actions.

By the way, Rudolph, do you plan to organize in 2012 a new hackaton in Prague? 
(For my part, I see no problem if there are 2 coreboot hackatons in 2012.. ;-))

Florentin Demetrescu

coreboot mailing list: coreboot@coreboot.org

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