Still not seeing it.

I think the order should be
' ', 'S', 'S', 'B'

not  ' ', 'B'','S','S'
or 'B','S','S',' '

i.e. space is the high order byte.


On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Nico Huber <> wrote:
> On 18.04.2014 16:49, ron minnich wrote:
>> Can somebody give me a sanity check? I can't see the error with the macro.
>> I won't say too much here -- just take a look. I'm not convinced the
>> code is wrong.
> Well, I'm convinced :P
> Have a closer look at the placement of the space. It was next to the latter
> S (0x2053...) now it stands before the B (' ', 'B', ...).
> Nico
>> thanks
>> ron
>> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 7:39 AM, WANG FEI <> wrote:
>>> Ronald,
>>> I just noticed a bug in your code, I've added the comment to coreboot
>>> review
>>> syste, but I'm not farmilar with this system, not sure if it will send
>>> you a
>>> notice mail automatically, so I just send you a mail to inform you this.
>>> Here is the link of comment,
>>> -Fei

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