Hey everyone,

due to various reasons, a few speakers can't make it to the conference
and thus I have a severe lack of talks and the agenda is starting to
look like swiss cheese (holes everywhere). Admittedly I do love swiss
cheese (so many delicious kinds of cheese), but for a conference agenda
I'd rather like to have less holes.

PLEASE PLEASE if you attend the conference PLEASE consider doing a talk
about something - anything really - even if it's just three slides and
five minutes of talking, followed by lots of discussion from/with the

Any proposals (title, duration (talk/discussion), name of speaker,
preferred time (morning, noon, afternoon)) are highly appreciated.
PLEASE send them to
<coreboot-confere...@bsi.bund.de> ASAP so I can allocate a slot for you.

If you can't come but would be willing to donate slides for someone else
to do a talk on your behalf, PLEASE tell me at
<coreboot-confere...@bsi.bund.de> or hit me up on IRC.

Doing talks remotely via a video conference system of your choice is
also an option.



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