Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone could take a few minutes and explain the proccess of 
how coreboots SeaBIOS payload (or even how coreboot itself) transitions into a 
Linux boot sequence to me? I understand that in some memory section there is an 
assembly command that tells the system to jump somewhere (if anyone knows where 
this assembly segment is I would love to know as a base for more searching) to 
begin the Linux boot process and after that jump Linux takes it from there; 
what I'm seeking in asking this question here is a detailed (the more detailed 
the better), if possible step by step command set on how SeaBIOS turns into 
Linux - or a pointer in the direction to find the actual assembly code that 
instructs this transition. I have been googling for approximatly two hours now 
and have been unable to find anything other than super general 'SeaBIOS  knows 
how to query this thing, then that just goes here, etc'. I know this is 
probably something most might think is trivial and I apologise for that, but I 
really dont understand the transition on the level that I feel I need to so I 
figured I would ask the best.

Thank you for your time.

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