Mainly we're using proprietary software because it works better than
the open source alternatives we tried.

We wanted to use the open source solutions, and tried a number of
options in the months since the CCM started.  They all had serious
issues with people not being able to hear one another.  We used
discord for several months, but people kept having to disconnect &
reconnect before they could hear people.  It got to the point where I
was repeating everything that was being said because I was the only
one that everyone could hear.

We finally settled on bluejeans because it has telephone call in
support as a last resort.  If we want to try evaluating other options
again when our subscription to bluejeans expires, I'm open to that,
and we can vote on it in the community meeting like we did when we
selected Bluejeans.

If anyone wants to participate in the meeting but doesn't want to use
the proprietary software, please call in on your phone.   Here's the
global list of numbers:

See this thread from the mailing list:

And see the meeting minutes of the november 10 meeting:
Trying to find a new platform for the coreboot community meeting.
Mumble: -No web client
Hangouts: -Bandwidth issues, -low maximum users (10 for public)
Jitsi: -Stability issues?
Bluejeans: -no firefox client, -$120 per year, +phone bridge
Skype: -It's skype
Tox: -no web client
Discord: -Web clients don't work well

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