I concur with Tim, if you do not need to run x86_64 only applications then the brand new Libre Firmware/Owner Controlled TALOS 2 is a much better deal and will provide significantly higher mileage than this older opteron platform.

I don't know how raptor did it, but it costs less and has more better features than the equivilant in performance never owner controlled x86_64 new AMD/Intel options.

Libre Firmware Talos 2:
Board and the base 4 core cpu - $2,500

Much slower libre firmware opteron:
$415 for KGPE-D16 + approx $500 for dual 6386SE CPU's = $1,000

An extra $1,500 is worth it for a motherboard that has a future, and to help ensure the future of owner controlled hardware.


Raptor also made the libre firmware for the KGPE-D16 and KCMA-D8 boards, and a variety of other coreboot motherboards - so they have a proven track record. If the T2 isn't successful it will be the end of high performance owner controlled hardware, which is why I urge everyone with the means to purchase one instead of a non-free x86_64 system - it is worth it both for the performance (PCI-e 4.0, SMT4, IBM's great OpenBMC etc) and for the freedom (FSF RYF cert pending!)

On 02/20/2018 02:12 PM, Elisenda Cuadros wrote:


Is it really worth 63xx series instead 62xx?
*only if you are gaming* not simply just using some random x86_64 only apps like the autodesk stuff etc

generally for the best G34 CPU's price is about the same -  6386SE will be similarly price as 6287SE - and both have nearly the same performance.

They are _much more_ expensive.
Which ones are you looking at?

Is there any public benchmark?

If you want to game in a VM (via IOMMU-GFX) on a KGPE-D16/KCMA-D8 let me know, I am happy to assist with that (and all things libre hardware/firmware).

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