Hi Piotr,

it feels like we are discussing the wrong things here. I've also looked
at the Gerrit discussion[1]. We are discussing solutions, while the root
cause is not understood yet.

On 06.05.21 00:13, Piotr Król wrote:
> There are many reasons for rebasing or updating firmware to name few
> security and maintainability. Second case is interesting since, if you
> maintain 5 projects which are 4.12 based it is way different then
> maintain 4.0, 4.6, 4.9 etc.

Rebasing for security seems odd. Usually one has to re-evaluate security
completely after a rebase. In my experience, security features randomly
break upstream like everything else. There is no stability guarantee.

Rebasing for maintainability is very vague. Throughout this discussion,
it seemed that rebasing itself is the maintainability issue?

I've seen some company size arguments on Gerrit. From my perspective,
it doesn't get much smaller than the firmware department I work for.
That's filled by about 40% of my time and beside some help from students
nobody else. In this situation it turns out that the only strategy that
scales is to upstream as much as possible.

So, what do we do: Of course, we can't upstream every last bit. So we
maintain local branches per product. On top of upstream, that usually
contains the patches to add a new board which we try to upstream (I'm
much behind lately, I have to admit) and maybe 10~20 commits that are
too specific to upstream. Most common cause of a rebase is that we
need support for a new platform. If the last board was upstreamed in
the meantime, that only leaves these 10~20 commits to rebase. And
these usually are local enough (e.g. our own board ports, utils) to
not conflict with any tree-wide changes.

There's a wrinkle: To upstream as much as possible, this often includes
changes that affect all boards of a new platform. That's why I'm arguing
against making such changes harder. My humble theory: Upstreaming is
hard, hence we maintain more downstream patches, hence it's harder to
rebase. If we now make upstreaming harder to ease the latter, we'll
find ourselves in a vicious circle.

You mentioned 4k LOC of downstream patches on Gerrit. Maybe we should
try to figure out case-by-case what led to keeping them downstream?
Maybe we can find upstream solutions for some of them?


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