I just downloaded the corutils in hopes that the df utility could list the size 
of all volumes mounted on a Windows 2003 server.  The volumes I am interested 
in are using mount points (see the L:\ volume below.)  How would one request an 
update to this utility to add the capability to list mounted Windows 'mount 


DISKPART> list volume

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
  Volume 0     Q   Q_EVA_QUORU  NTFS   Partition   1020 MB  Healthy
  Volume 1     D   D_LOCAL_APP  NTFS   Partition     68 GB  Healthy
  Volume 2     J   J_EVA_SQL01  NTFS   Partition    100 GB  Healthy
  Volume 3     M   M_EVA_SQL01  NTFS   Partition     70 GB  Healthy
  Volume 4     L   L_EVA_SQL06  NTFS   Partition   1020 MB  Healthy
  Volume 5     Z                       DVD-ROM         0 B  Healthy
  Volume 6     N   N_EVA_SQL01  NTFS   Partition     30 GB  Healthy
  Volume 7         L_EVA_SQL06  NTFS   Partition   5114 MB  Healthy
  Volume 8         L_EVA_SQL06  NTFS   Partition     10 GB  Healthy
  Volume 9         L_EVA_SQL06  NTFS   Partition     15 GB  Healthy
  Volume 10    C   C_LOCAL_SYS  NTFS   Partition     32 GB  Healthy    System

The DF tool does not list these partitions:

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
C_LOCAL_SYSTEM        33566140  12264036  21302104  37% C:\
D_LOCAL_APP           71648860   7145712  64503148  10% D:\
J_EVA_SQL01_OpsDBbak 104856216  27153112  77703104  26% J:\
L_EVA_SQL06            1044193    148540    895653  15% L:\
                      73392920  50765440  22627480  70% M:\
N_EVA_SQL01_OpsDBLog  31455232  21570600   9884632  69% N:\
Q_EVA_QUORUM           1044193      8658   1035535   1% Q:\

D:\>df l:
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
L_EVA_SQL06            1044193    148540    895653  15% L:\

D:\>df l:\eva_tlog
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
-                      1044193    148540    895653  15% l:\eva_tlog

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