On 09/11/10 14:56, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Sunday, November 07, 2010 08:57:22 Yaron Sheffer wrote:
>> I still don't see the logic of not including capabilities in the
>> "install" feature set. We could use chmod and chown separately, too. But
>> still, setting owner/group and mode are a core functionality of this
>> utility. Similarly, if we think that POSIX capabilities are important
>> (see e.g. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/RemoveSETUID), we
>> should make their use as easy and natural as possible. For me that means
>> at the minimum support in install, tar (and derived packaging tools) and
>> possibly ls.
> FWIW, it'd make my life easier as a distro maintainer as i wouldnt need to 
> force `setcap` on everyone ...
> -mike

Your experience in these matters certainly sways things.
I'd like to understand fully though before proceeding.

By forcing `setcap` on everyone, do you mean as a
build time package dependency, or does gentoo &/or dpkg
not support capabilities thus requiring it as an install time dep?

If a package needs capabilities, is this dep really an issue?

Could you expand on the failure modes you would expect.
I presume if one asks for capabilities we should error if they weren't set.
Would we need to verify like setcap -v?


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