Hi, this is not a huge deal but might be worth fixing (I have no idea
how;)  I have the following settings in my .gitconfig so that I will
know ASAP if I'm using a repo that has any form of corruption:

                   fsckobjects = true
                   fsckobjects = true
                   fsckObjects = true

The coreutils seems to, though in a (presumably) benign way:

        $ git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/coreutils
        Cloning into 'coreutils'...
        remote: Counting objects: 174046, done.
        remote: Compressing objects: 100% (40458/40458), done.
        remote: Total 174046 (delta 133290), reused 173965 (delta 133237)
        Receiving objects: 100% (174046/174046), 32.63 MiB | 4.49 MiB/s, done.
        error: object a6727941433ee1c91a20ede6cb381af1d18c566d: 
missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before 
        fatal: fsck error in packed object
        fatal: index-pack failed

I suspect the only solution is to rebuild the repo entirely, which is
probably not an option.  Hope this helps!

fREW Schmidt

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