On 2019-02-26 13:10, Bartells, Paul wrote:
I have encountered behavior with ls -R that appears to be incongruous.
My actual command line entry is: ls -alR /kyc_mis/dev/*/*/paul/* >
[ ... ]

total 599
-rwxrwx--- 1 pb82477 kycmis 262144 Oct 31 17:06 kyc_excepreport_old_20181022.sas7bdat
drwxrwx--- 10 pb82477 kycmis    176 Oct 24 16:14 ..
drwxrwx---  2 pb82477 kycmis     55 Oct 31 17:06 .

What is odd here is that name of the directory being listed doesn't
match the pattern /kyc_mis/dev/*/*/paul/ (assuming we can trust that
line of the output to be true: ls is really listing a directory by
that name).

It has a "kyc" component where the pattern expects "paul".

You haven't told "ls" to follow symlinks, either.

Unless the filesystem has cycles, or ls has started following ".."
links, we should not be ending up in this directory from any starting
point that matches the command line pattern.

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