I will reopen the can of worms of again offering my own multibyte cut (and
other coreutils) if the maintainers ever decide they want it:


I think the normalization ambiguity here is resolved by the POSIX
standard's distinction between "characters" and "printing positions."
Combining accents are characters but do not advance the printing position.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 3:03 PM Assaf Gordon <assafgor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 09:19:54PM +0200, jaime.mosqu...@tutanota.com
> wrote:
> > I have partially implemented the option "-c" ("--characters") for UTF-8
> > non-ASCII characters[...]
> First and foremost,
> Thank you for taking the time and effort to develop new features and
> send them to the mailing list.
> > This implementation has two, somewhat important shortcomings:
> >
> > * Other encodings are not implemented.
> > [...] I decided to stick with just UTF-8.
> At this point in time, this limitation is a show-stopper.
> A multibyte-aware implementation for GNU coreutils (for all programs,
> not just for 'cut') should support all native encodings.
> Ostensibly, this should be implementated using the standard
> mbrtowc(3)/mbstowcs(3) family of functions - but in reality there is
> another complication - a good implementation should also support
> systems where 'char_t' is limited to 16bit (instead of 32bit),
> and therefore require handling of unicode surrogate pairs.
> You can read more about the programs (and past suggested solutions) here
> https://crashcourse.housegordon.org/coreutils-multibyte-support.html
> (as a side node to other readers: if these are not a show-stopper
> requirements any longer, please chime in - this will make things much
> easier.)
> > * Modifier characters are treated as individual characters [...]
> > Decisively, many languages from Western Europe (Spanish,
> > Portuguese...) might or might not work with this program, depending on
> > which kind of accented letters are produced [...]
> I see two related but separate issues here.
> The first is generally called "unicode normalization", e.g.
> if the user sees the letter "A" with acute accent, is it encoded as one
> unicode character (U+00C1, "Latin Capital Letter A with Acute")
> or two unicode characters ("A" followed by U+0301 "Combining Acute
> Accent").
> This issue is not a problem (in the sense that it's OK if cut treats
> "A" followed by U+0301 as separate characters) - because we will also
> include an additional program that can convert from one form to the
> other (called "unorm" in the URL mentioned above).
> The second interesting issue are the (new?) modifiers such as
> http://unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Diversity
> https://codepoints.net/U+1F3FB)
> that affect other characters.
> Here I don't see a easy way to know if characters should be grouped,
> and they should probably be treated as separate characters in all cases.
> > On the other hand, missing bytes in a multibyte UTF-8 characters are
> correctly handled
> [...]
> > It is my hope that you should find this first approach to the problem
> sufficient for most uses, and incorporate it into the mainstream code.
> I would say that your approach of dealing only with UTF-8 has some merits
> (i.e., as a "fast path" in parallel to slower mbrtowc(3) part,
> and the faster unibyte path).
> I suspect that if we do go down that road, it'll be better to use
> gnulib's already implemented UTF-8 code (and also UTF-16/UTF-32) instead
> of adding ad-hoc functions.
> > (Should my modifications be big enough to require it for copyright
> > reasons, my name is "Jaime Mosquera", and I obviously agree to the
> > terms of the GNU GPL.)
> Thank you - that is indeed the gist (copyright assignment is needed from
> contributors), but the technicalities are slightly different.
> We ask that contributors fill and send the following form:
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gnulib.git/tree/doc/Copyright/request-assign.future
> explained 'why?' here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-assign.en.html
> regards,
>  - assaf

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