We plan to release coreutils-9.5 in the next few days
so any testing you can do on various different systems
between now and then would be most welcome.
This release comes about 30 weeks after the 9.4 release.

Changes since the last pre-release
are as follows:

  tests: numfmt: fix false failures on some systems
  ls: avoid ENOENT from readdir() on FreeBSD 14
  tests: avoid false failure due to mismatched isblank()
  cp: with --no-preserve=mode ensure set-group-ID bits maintained on dirs
  tests: avoid false failure with partial locale info
  tests: avoid triggering obsolete tail option processing
  tests: remove debugging from a test
  tests: fix false failure on systems that can chmod symlinks
  doc: fix translation issue in chown/chgrp amalgamation
  doc: fix various translation issues
  test: avoid false failure with setgid directories
  tests: avoid false failure on new mv --exchange test
  doc: update THANKS related to env --argv0 option
  doc: ls: detail output format for device files


You can download the coreutils snapshot in xz format (5.7 MiB) from:

And verify with gpg or md5sum with:
        MD5 (coreutils-ss.tar.xz) = 7000748a76e14e534a71a77baf3747f8


To test follow this standard procedure:

        tar -xf coreutils-ss.tar.xz
        cd coreutils-9.4.184-606f5/
        ./configure && make check VERBOSE=yes

Failures are shown, and details are in tests/test-suite.log
Please report/attach any issues to coreutils@gnu.org

thank you!

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