i'd argue that env(1)'s name has mislead you --- it's most _commonly_
used just for the "do a $PATH lookup" side-effect, so a shell script
only has assume that it knows where _env_ lives, without having to
assume that it knows where (say) python lives. so `#!/usr/bin/env
python` rather than `#!/usr/bin/python`, for example.

(similarly, it's also a useful portable-between-shells way to say "i
want to call the _real_ command here, not an alias or shell builtin".)

using env to set environment variables is probably most useful when
used in conjunction with env's -i option to _clear_ the environment,
in cases where you don't want to say "this command should _also_ have
FOO=BAR in its environment", but want to say "this command should
_only_ have FOO=BAR in its environment". (though not only do i
anecdotally not see that very often, in the source that's easily
available for me to search, it genuinely doesn't occur very often.)

see also 
in particular the RATIONALE section (in particular, the very last
part, about whether env(1) is actually redundant).

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 11:28 AM Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 5:24 PM Collin Funk <collin.fu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com> writes:
> >
> > > Using env command:
> > >
> > > env PATH="/custom/path:$PATH" my_command
> > >
> > > Directly setting the environment variable:
> > >
> > > PATH="/custom/path:$PATH" my_command
> > [...]
> > > In what scenarios would it be more appropriate to use env versus
> > > directly setting the environment variable? Are there specific
> > > advantages or disadvantages associated with each method?
> >
> > One minor problem is that csh [1] doesn't use the same syntax for
> > variable assignment. Up until recently FreeBSD used csh as the default
> > login shell for root accounts. I doubt you will run into the problem
> > anywhere else.
> >
> > Here is an example:
> >
> >     $ bash
> >     $ env | grep '^VAR'
> >     $ env VAR='abc' | grep '^VAR'
> >     VAR=abc
> >     $ VAR='abc' env | grep '^VAR'
> >     VAR=abc
> >     $ csh
> >     % env | grep '^VAR'
> >     % env VAR='abc' | grep '^VAR'
> >     VAR=abc
> >     % VAR='abc' env | grep '^VAR'
> >     VAR=abc: Command not found.
> >
> > You could use:
> >
> >     % setenv VAR 'abc' ; env | grep '^VAR'
> >
> > But that would set the environment variable in the parent process which
> > isn't the intention.
> >
> > Collin
> >
> > [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_shell
> Thank you very much to everyone here for their responses to this
> issue. I need to carefully read the relevant explanations and further
> observe in subsequent practices to see if I have fully understood the
> issue or if there are still areas that need further discussion.
> Regards,
> Zhao

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