
Please refer to my postings,

here (https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja/issues/1712#issuecomment-2305818307),
*where I stated:*

   The issue here is that the *FORMAT* for time and date should be set
   set from the UbuntuMATE Preferences window for Time and Date**, for
   it to be globally applied to the system.

   The choices offered should be

     * either as a *regional/country/ISO default*, or
     * a *personalized version of* a regional/country/ISO default.

   This would involve a *click-toggle to offer* customization of *any
   date/time field*.
   This could include user-defined change of TimeZone, to a specified
   region/country, even if that TimeZone is different than the default,
   I suggest selectable by drop-down).

   Once that specification is chosen/edited, that format specification
   should be *applied universally* for all user-oriented interactions,
   *with the exception* of those that are core system (i.e. *syslog and
   the like*, which would use the regional/county/ISO default
   underlying the user's personalizations.

   Something like that was previously offered in one of the older
   Ubuntu distros (somewhere between 10 and 16) but I can't remember
   which one.

and here (https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja/issues/616#issuecomment-2305779056),
*where I stated:*

   I have this bash logic which I would like to see merged into Caja as
   an option for global time formatting. Would that be possible? (/I
   would like it for the ls command, but I don't think that you handle
   that./ :-) )

   Create customized version of ‘ls l’ to report on files during the
   progress of the script.

   Key aspect is that, *if the modification is older than 24 hours*,
            it reports *only the date*;
            it reports *only the time* of the last change *using the
   24-hour clock*.

   |myLs() { #eval stat --format=\"\|\%A\|\%h\|\%s\|\%y\|\%n\|\"
   \"${1}\" eval stat --format=\"\|\%A\|\%h\|\%s\|\%Y\|\%n\|\" \"${1}\"
   | awk -v now=${time_now} '{ n=split( $0, vals, "|" ) ; #mult24=(
   (1.0*now) - vals[5] )/86400 ; #print mult24 ; # 86400 seconds in a
   24 hour period if( ( (1.0*now) - vals[5] )/86400 > 1 ){ printf("%s
   %2s %15s %10s %s\n", vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], strftime("%F",
   vals[5]), vals[6] ) ; }else{ printf("%s %2s %15s %9s %s\n", vals[2],
   vals[3], vals[4], strftime("%R:%S", vals[5]), vals[6] ) ; } ; }' } |

Thank you in advance for your consideration and, hopefully your acceptance of this feature request.


Eric Marceau

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