CLUP welcomes applications to Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 
(CEEC) - 6th Edition

CLUP – the Centre of Linguistics of the University of Porto, a research and 
development (R&D) unit funded by FCT – the Portuguese Foundation for Science 
and Technology, acting as host institution, welcomes applications to the 
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 6th Edition.
Within the scope of the sixth edition of the Scientific Employment Stimulus 
(CEECInd-6th edition), FCT aims to approve 400  funded contracts.
Nationals, foreigners and stateless PhD holders who wish to conduct their 
scientific research or technological development activities in Portugal may 
FCT will fund, via contracts signed with the host institution, all eligible 
costs for a maximum period of 6 years, according to the level and categories 
provided for.

Submission of Applications:
Deadline: 3 May 2023, 17:00 (Portugal time).
In order to secure the support of CLUP at the application stage, please email: 

Specific requirements:
(a) Junior Researcher - PhD holders of 5 years or less, counted at the closing 
date of the application submission period, with limited postdoctoral research 
experience in the scientific area to which they are applying.
b) Auxiliary researcher – PhD holders with more than 5 and less than 12 years, 
inclusive, counted as of the closing date of the application submission period, 
with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying.
c) Principal Investigator – PhD holders with more than 12 years, counted as of 
the closing date of the application submission period, with a relevant 
curriculum vitae in the scientific area they are applying for, which 
demonstrates their scientific independence in the last 3 years.

For further information, visit: 

CLUP support:
In order to secure the support of CLUP, the applicant should address a request 
to the CLUP Scientific Coordinator. Applicants should state which of the 
levels/categories they intend to apply to and which line(s) of research 
conducted at CLUP their project fits in. The following documents should be 
- Research plan (including the research topic, research questions and aims and 
objectives, methodology, expected results and impact);
- Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae;
- Copy of two relevant publications;
- Letter of motivation to conduct their research at CLUP.

Submission of support requests to CLUP:
Applicants wishing to secure CLUP support in their application to CEEC should 
emailed c...@letras.up.pt by 15 April 2023.

Rui Sousa Silva.


Professor Auxiliar | Assistant Professor
www.letras.up.pt | www.clup.pt | www.linguisticaforense.pt

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