First CFP: Special issue on ‘The AI Interface: Designing for the Ideal 
Machine-Human Experience’ - Computers in Human Behavior
The AI Interface: Designing for the Ideal Machine-Human Experience

In this call, we are looking to expand on our understanding of the psychology 
of design, into the way in which we deliberate and design for AI interfaces 
such as chatbots, robotics, IoT, AI assistants, and more. Artificial 
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transformative technologies 
that organizations everywhere are investing heavily in. AI has the ability to 
replicate tasks that require human intelligence utilizing probabilistic 
outcomes based on existing real-world data to predict future outcomes. ML uses 
large amounts of data to create and validate decision logics often mimicking 
biological neuron signals such as in deep learning or natural language 
processing (NLP). No-code tools allow business analysts to make ML predictions 
even without ML experience. In this special issue we evaluate the role of AI in 
Human Perception and Inferences. We are looking to expand how to design for the 
ideal machine-human experience, essentially interfaces that AI is incorporated 

Guest editors:
Aparna Sundar
Karen Machleit
Udo Kruschwitz 
Tony Russell-Rose 

Special issue information:
User perception can vary in several ways due to individual differences, 
environmental factors and cultural differences. All this impacts user 
experiences. User inferences are mental processes that allow individuals to 
draw conclusions, make judgments and generate new knowledge based on the 
information they are exposed to. Both perception and inferences influence the 
ultimate user experience. In AI, design of systems that are transparent, 
intuitive, and align with the users’ needs and expectations is vital. With the 
explosion of technological investment and innovation in this domain, the need 
for research is heightened. This is more so the case from a design and product 
development standpoint. User experience and research is essential to bridge the 
interface between AI and users. There is more to user experience in terms of 
user mental models, trust and transparency, in terms of: how psychology can 
influence the design of the machine-human interface, personalization and 
adaptability of AI assistants, and more. This call aims to address that gap.
As an example, one of the most critical aspects of interacting with AI is the 
language that AI uses in messaging, or in persuasion attempts. We know very 
little about the psychology of AI experience design. Research in the way 
marketers communicate to consumers indicate that there is a robust effect of 
message tone (Sundar & Cao, 2018 & Sundar & Paik, 2017), repetition of 
messaging (Sundar, Kardes & Wright, 2015), language structure and 
categorization (Schmitt & Zhang, 1998). While scholars have established the 
anthropomorphic relationship of individuals with AI assistants (Uysal, Alavi, & 
Benzencon, 2022), how individuals react or respond to AI needs more 
investigation. Toward this end, this call aims to bridge the cross discipline 
of communication, marketing and judgement and decision making. Research in this 
area is aimed to amplify how humans perceive communication, especially when 
claims come for AI assistants or sources that are not perceived to be human.
This call aims to mobilize articles that explore considerations in the 
evolution of AI and ML in human behavior. Very specifically, we seek articles 
that bring out complexities of AI/human interactions, possible human 
perceptions, and learnings to improve ML and inferences on both the human and 
machine side that can transform technologies meaningfully. Given the role of AI 
and ML in the digital evolution of computers, this special issue emphasizes the 
human response, or psychology toward transformative digital technologies. Some 
areas that AI influences human perception and inferences are:
1. Machine-Human Interface: Nature of anthropomorphic communication in the 
machine-human Interface (Schmitt & Zhang, 1998; Uysal, Alavi & Benzencon, 2022) 
2. User inferences as it influences user experience: AI uses sensemaking to 
make meaning of the language humans use to the communicate with. (Cabrera et. 
al., 2023). Articles on how mental models of users communicating with AI are 
formulated, AI assistant modality etc. 
3. Consumer perception and user behavior: Humans react to the tangible 
aesthetics of product (Sundar, Cao & Machleit, 2020) How consumers behave when 
presented with information from AI assistants 
4. Personalization and Adaptability: Gao and Liu (2022) note that the way in 
which personalization through the customer journey is important. Research 
exploring the role of personalization and adaptability of the AI assistant 
5. Transparency and Explainability: Sources that AI assistant get their 
information from 
6. Clarity of Communication: Style, tone, language all make a difference in 
perception (Sundar & Cao, 2018) and extensions to research to AI assistant 
7. Trust in AI Technologies: Trust is a multi-faceted construct in 
interpersonal relationships, and research investigating how to boost trust in 
AI are needed, what Trustworthy AI (Kaur et. al 2022), is and how companies can 
build this in the AI development
To extend the literature and understanding on how designers and product 
developers can improve AI assistants or user experiences, this call invites a 
multi-disciplinary investigation into the psychology of designing influencing 
AI experiences. The psychology of design encompasses many domains such as 
visual design, language, auditory consideration and other perceptual cues that 
ultimately impact behavior. This call therefore invites researchers to submit 
original papers that address the following areas:
1. Considerations in AI design: The various forms that AI assistants can take, 
considerations of situation, where best to locate AI and how best it can help 
the user and others. 
2. AI Interactions: This can be multi-modal, visual, haptic, auditory or other 
manifestations of AI in improving the lives of users. Ultimately research that 
investigates the use and reactions to AI in the IoT and other forms and others. 
3. Experience and learnability: Research papers that examine the different 
learning models of AI and the way in which information that is factually mature 
versus grounded in commonsense and has the most implications for users. 
Research investigating effectiveness of AI maturity and others. 
4. Machine and Human interaction: Research extending the literature on 
Anthropomorphism to the AI domain and others. 
5. Use of AI in specific domains: The implications of AI assistants are far 
reaching and can influence evaluative considerations from analysis of graphs, 
dashboards, e-commerce, to large statistical models, to writing, or 
transcribing etc. Research highlighting the nuances, challenges and how to 
overcome these and others.
A multi-disciplinary approach to research, with methodology that is relevant to 
the research questions is welcome. The paper should have strong implications on 
how current day AI design can be improved and how designers and product 
managers can think through human computer interaction to create incremental and 
improved experiences with AI.

Manuscript submission information:
All interested researchers are invited to submit your manuscript at:
The Journal’s submission system is open for receiving submissions to our 
Special Issue. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for 
inclusion into the special issue, it is important to select “VSI: Ideal 
Machine-Human Interface” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the 
submission process.
Full manuscripts will undergo double-blind review as per the usual procedures 
for this journal.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: Dec 31st, 2023
Inquiries related to the special issue, including questions about appropriate 
topics, may be sent electronically to the Executive Editor Dr. Aparna Sundar 
Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue:

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: Dec 31st 2023
Acceptance Deadline: Mar 31st 2024
Expected Publication Date: end of 2024

Cabrera, Á. A., Tulio Ribeiro, M., Lee, B., Deline, R., Perer, A., & Drucker, 
S. M. (2023). What did my AI learn? how data scientists make sense of model 
behavior. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 30(1), 1-27.
Gao, Y., & Liu, H. (2022). Artificial intelligence-enabled personalization in 
interactive marketing: a customer journey perspective. Journal of Research in 
Interactive Marketing, (ahead-of-print), 1-18.
Kaur, D., Uslu, S., Rittichier, K. J., & Durresi, A. (2022). Trustworthy 
artificial intelligence: a review. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 55(2), 1-38.
Schmitt, B. H., & Zhang, S. (1998). Language structure and categorization: A 
study of classifiers in consumer cognition, judgment, and choice. Journal of 
Consumer Research, 25(2), 108-122.
Sundar, A., & Cao, E. S. (2018). Punishing politeness: The role of language in 
promoting brand trust. Journal of Business Ethics, 164, 39-60.
Sundar, A., Cao, E., & Machelit, K. A. (2020). How product aesthetics cues 
efficacy beliefs of produce performance. Psychology & Marketing, 37(9), 1246-62.
Sundar, A., Kardes, F. R., & Wright, S. A. (2015). The influence of repetitive 
health messages and sensitivity to fluency on the truth effect in advertising. 
Journal of Advertising, 44(4), 375-387.
Sundar, A., & Paik, W. (2017). Punishing politeness: Moderating role of belief 
in just world on severity. Association for Consumer Research, 45, 903-905.
Uysal, E., Alavi, S., & Bezençon, V. (2022). Trojan horse or useful helper? A 
relationship perspective on artificial intelligence assistants with humanlike 
features. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50(6), 1153-1175.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence interface, UX, design
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