Dear all,

The Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg 
University is delighted to announce a PhD vacancy for a highly motivated and 
talent student to contribute to the cutting-edge field of Machine Translation 
(MT). More specifically, the candidate will focus on the important yet 
challenging and exciting topic of Inclusive Machine Translation. Traditional 
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems tend to suffer from 
overgeneralizations, biases and lack of transparency. By mitigating biases and 
enhancing the transparency of NMT systems, the PhD researcher will work towards 
fairer and more inclusive MT. In line with the research interests of the 
Inclusive and Sustainable Machine Translation (ISMT) Lab, the objective of this 
research proposal is thus to investigate efficient and sustainable ways to 
address challenges related to inclusivity, bias and transparency in NMT.

We offer a fully funded, 4-year PhD position, to conduct research and 
innovation activities in the field of text-to-text Machine Translation. Within 
the scope of this PhD, topics such as data compilation, data preprocessing and 
data analysis tailored to the needs of Machine Translation; development and 
neural architectures for uncovering bias and enhance explainabilty in 
translation and/or adapting architectures with successful application on 
text-to-text MT;  adapting and adopting pre-trained language models, and 
human-centred design, evaluation and validation activities will be addressed.

This position is hosted by the ISMT Lab of the CSAI department which focuses on 
(i) user- and use-case-centric MT, (ii) Inclusive Language Technology and (iii) 
Sustainable and Environmentally Conscious AI. Through its research activities 
it aims at promoting inclusiveness and cross-field collaborations, working with 
both academia and industry. The PhD candidate will be supervised by dr. Eva 
 and dr. Frédéric 
Blain<> (daily 
supervisors), and dr. Afra Alishahi<> (promotor).

The work will be centred around objectives that will involve:

Data Analysis, Data Processing Techniques, Model Training (design and 
implementation of state-of-the-art Deep Learning models for MT), Annotations 
(e.g. Linguistic Annotations), Bias Mitigation, Explainability Enhancement.

The PhD candidate will work on tasks related to the aforementioned objectives 
in a multidisciplinary environment. This will allow the PhD candidate to gain 
expertise from the fields of Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, 
Engineering, Data Analysis, Machine- and Deep-Learning, and Cognitive Science.

Job description

  *   Develop and conduct research;
  *   Write and defend a thesis within 4 years;
  *   Write peer-reviewed papers for submission to international journals or 
leading conference proceedings in the first 3 years;
  *   Give presentations about study results on a regular basis on workshops 
and conferences;
  *   Participate in co-organising workshops;
  *   Participate in ISMT and CSAI activities;
  *   Participate in the Graduate Schools’ education program.

Your Profile
Candidates for this position should have a (research) Masters’ degree in:

Artificial Intelligence and / or Computational linguistics with focus in at 
least one of the following fields: computational linguistics, natural language 
processing, machine translation, machine learning, data analysis and/or deep 

In addition, we invite applicants who have a strong profile in a subset of 

  *   Interest in languages, NLP and/or Linguistics;
  *   Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities;
  *   Ability to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a team 
to drive innovative research;
  *   Proficiency in scientific programming languages, particularly Python 
(Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow, PyTorch, etc.);
  *   Some experience with (experimental) evaluation and statistical analyses;
  *   Fluent spoken and written English communication skills;
  *   Have a proactive and goal-directed attitude, good organizational skills, 
and the ability to get things done.

Knowledge of another language than English (default language of communication) 
and / or Dutch is not an obligation but would be a major advantage given the 
research topic.

Conditions of employment
Fixed-term contract: 4 years.
A full-time position. Starting date is negotiable.

The selected candidate will start with a contract at Tilburg University at the 
Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence for one year, 
concluded by an evaluation. Upon a positive outcome of the first-year 
evaluation, the candidate will be offered an employment contract for an 
additional 3 years.

The PhD candidate will be ranked in the Dutch university job ranking system 
(UFO) as a PhD-student (promovendus) with a starting fulltime salary of   € 
2,770 gross per month in the first year, increasing up to € 3,539 the fourth 

A holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% (annually);

Researchers from outside the Netherlands may qualify for a temporary tax-free 
allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The University will apply for 
such an allowance on their behalf;

The University will provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation (for 
foreign employees);

Tilburg University is rated among the top Dutch employers and offers very good 
fringe benefits (it is one of the best non-profit employers in the 
Netherlands), also including excellent technical infrastructure, savings 
schemes and excellent sport facilities. The collective labor agreement of the 
Dutch Universities applies.

Who we are
The CSAI department (
 The Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence (CS&AI) department performs 
computational research in the domains of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive 
Science and runs educational programs on Cognitive Science & Artificial 
Intelligence and Data Science and Society. The department is partially housed 
on Tilburg University campus (Dante Building) and in the Deprez building (near 
Tilburg central station) as member of MindLabs<>. We 
maintain a close collaboration with the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science 
(JADS) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

We are member of the Benelux Association for Artificial 
Intelligence<> (BNVKI), participate in the Special 
Interest Group for AI<> (SIG AI), 
contributed to the Dutch AI 
 and participate in the Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial 
Intelligence Research in Europe<> (CLAIRE).

The research group consists of about 70 researchers covering a broad range of 
topics relevant for cognitive science and artificial intelligence, and this 
includes approximately 35 PhD students. Core research domains include cognitive 
science, machine learning, deep learning, games, virtual reality, computational 
psycholinguistics, brain-computer interfaces, robotics, cognitive modeling of 
language, computational linguistics, educational technologies, computational 
modeling of evolutionary and adaptive systems, image and signal processing, 
with a strong emphasis on quantitative methods.

The ISMT Lab 

Machine translation (MT), the task of automatically translating text in one 
language into text in another language using a computer system, has undergone 
many shifts since its inception in the late 1950s. The latest of which, neural 
machine translation (NMT), has reached unprecedented translation qualities at 
almost human-level performance, of course for some use-cases and under certain 

MT has become an indispensable tool for professional translators (to assist in 
the translation workflow), for commercial users, e.g., e-commerce companies (to 
make their content quickly available in multiple languages), to every-day users 
(to access information unrestricted by the language in which it is produced).

User- and use-case-centric MT
We focus on the specific user requirements as well as the domain, the language, 
the style, etc. of a specific use-case. Through smart data analysis, selection 
and processing and optimized models we investigate faster and better tools that 
are tuned towards users and use-cases.

Inclusive Language Technology
Current MT and NLP models exacerbate bias and may produce inaccurate or 
sometimes even offensive outputs. We explore bias-related language phenomena 
and develop techniques to mitigate bias is an important research direction we 
are undertaking.

Sustainable and Environmentally Conscious AI
We study the environmental impact of language technology and ways to cut down 
the use of computing resources without losing quality. Can we reduce, reuse and 
reorganize for a less intrusive technology?

More information
This PhD project is expected to start at the beginning of 2024; the preferred 
start date is February 1st 2024.

For more information on this position or the project, please contact:
dr. Eva Vanmassenhove 
dr. Frédéric Blain 

To apply for this position please submit a motivation letter, CV, thesis (and 
any publications), grade list and names of two references.

The only way to apply is online.
Deadline for applications: November 15th 2023.
Interviews are expected to take place in the beginning of December 2023.

Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences

Research and education at the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences 
(TSHD) has a unique focus on humans in the context of the globalizing digital 
society, on the development of artificial intelligence and interactive 
technologies, on their impact on communication, culture and society, and on 
moral and existential challenges that arise. The School of Humanities and 
Digital Sciences consists of four departments: Communication and Cognition, 
Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Culture Studies and Philosophy; 
several research institutes and a faculty office. Also the University College 
Tilburg is part of the School. Each year around 275 students commence a 
Bachelor or (Pre) Master Program. The School has approximately 2000 students 
and 250 employees.

Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital 

Met hartelijke groeten/With kind regards,
Fred Blain

Assistant Professor in AI
Department of Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence
Dante Building, D144
Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences
Tilburg University, The Netherlands

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