*Final CFP (EXTENDED DEADLINE) for RATIO-24: The 1st International Conference on Robust Argumentation Machines (RATIO-24) will take place from June 5th-7th, 2024, in Bielefeld, Germany. *

https://ratio-conference.net <https://ratio-conference.net>
In recent years, we have witnessed significant advances in our ability to develop approaches that support the automated analysis, summarization, aggregation, retrieval and ranking of arguments exchanged “in the wild” at large scale. By "in the wild" we mean arguments exchanged on the web in debate portals or other online formats where users share opinions and viewpoints on topics relevant to them. Argument analysis methods have indeed reached a level of maturity and robustness that make them applicable to the analysis of real online debates, to find the main arguments exchanged, to summarize and group arguments, or even to automatically generate arguments to present different viewpoints and perspectives.

We call for submissions of original research work on the following topics:


   automatic semantic analysis of arguments, including tasks such as
   stance detection, keypoint identification, attack/support
   classification, etc.

   analysis of arguments in discourse and dialogue
   automatic synthesis and generation of arguments
   summarization of arguments
   argument retrieval
   methods for predicting argument quality
   ranking of arguments according to, e.g., quality
   methods for rephrasing and repurposing arguments
   inferring the frame, viewpoint or perspective of an argument
   common sense knowledge in the automated analysis of arguments
   scalable reasoning methods for arguments

   applications of argument analysis in domains such as political
   discourse, law, science, education, finance, social sciences, etc.

Papers will be peer-reviewed and published by Springer in the LNCS series.

Two types of papers will be accepted:


   Long Papers(up to 15 pages including references): Description of
   substantive and original research.


   Short Papers(up to 8 pages including references): Description of
   work in progress or original research contribution of limited scope.

Papers should be submitted via Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ratio24 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ratio24>
Abstract submission deadline: *November 10th, 2023*
Full paper submission deadline: *November 24th 2023*
Notification of Acceptance: *February 2nd, 2024*
Camera-ready version: *March 1st, 2024*
Conference Chairs:
Philipp Cimiano (CITEC, Bielefeld University)
Anette Frank (University of Heidelberg)
Michael Kohlhase (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Benno Stein (Bauhaus University Weimar)
Jürgen Ziegler (University Duisburg - Essen)

Invited Speakers:

Elena Cabrio (Université Côte d’Azur, Inria <http://www.unice.fr/>)

Yufang Hou (IBM Research Europe)

Henning Wachsmuth (Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Leibniz University of Hannover)

The conference will be held in Bielefeld, Germany at the Cognitive Interaction Technology Center (CITEC).

All questions about submissions should be emailed to Philipp Cimiano: cimi...@cit-ec.uni.bielefeld.de

Prof. Dr. Anette Frankhttp://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/~frank
Computational Linguistics Department   email:fr...@cl.uni-heidelberg.de
University of Heidelberg                      phone: +49-(0)6221/54-3247
Im Neuenheimer Feld 325                        secr: +49-(0)6221/54-3245
69120 Heidelberg, Germany                       fax: +49-(0)6221/54-3242
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