The Namkin company and Loria - Université de Lorraine invites applications for 
a postdoctoral position on business event extraction.

Location: Troyes, France and Nancy, France

Application Deadline: 31st January 2024

Starting Date:  March 2024

Contract Duration: 1 year (with possible extension)

The industry faces numerous challenges that necessitate the evolution of BtoB 
marketing tools, in order to develop a valuable offer and provide an enhanced 
customer experience. Namkin's BrainLab develops industrial marketing tools for 
digitalizing customer relations, evolving business models, and exploiting 
business and economic data for business development. One of the key challenges 
of marketing intelligence is to identify risks and opportunities so as to guide 
marketing strategies. Among the sources of information useful to detect risks 
and opportunities, Namkin has identified Business Events, that is, “textually 
reported real-world occurrences, actions, relations, and situations involving 
companies and firms” (Jacobs et al., 2018).

The Loria Semagram team specialises in modelling natural language semantics to 
represent discourse. While modern semantic representations may contain vast 
quantities of information, they do not always (or necessarily) contain the 
information that is useful for the concrete application. For instance, 
significant challenges still persist in dealing with temporal relations and 
finely-grained negation interpretation.

A number of studies at the crossroads of business intelligence and NLP have 
focused on the detection or extraction of Business Events (e.g., Arendarenko & 
Kakkonen, 2012; Han et al., 2018; Jacobs et al., 2018; Jacobs & Hoste, 2020; 
Jacobs & Hoste, 2022). Despite the richness of the event extraction literature, 
many challenges still remain. Some of these challenges are concerned with the 
modelling of the task itself, such as the necessity / benefit of trigger 
identification for event extraction (see Zhu et al. 2021), some with the scope 
of the task, such as sentence level vs document level extraction (e.g., Zheng 
et al. 2019), some with the information necessary to the integration of events 
in a coherent knowledge base, like factuality detection (e.g., Zhang et al., 
2022) and event disambiguation (e.g., Barhom et al., 2019).

Recent research has looked into the benefits of exploiting semantic 
representations, and in particular Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR; 
Banarescu et al. 2013), for low-resources scenarios (Huang et al., 2018) and 
document level event argument extraction (e.g., Xu et al., 2022). However, it 
appears that AMR has to be adapted in order to optimally support event 
extraction related tasks (Yang et al., 2023). One major limitation of AMR for 
document-level event extraction is that AMR works at the sentence level, and 
thus requires the aggregation of sentence-level representations. AMR is also 
limited in terms of negation and universal quantification expressive power.

To overcome these issues, we seek to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher to work 
on semantic modelling. Some promising new lead was recently provided by Bos 
(2023) who proposes a new meaning representation system that overcomes 
expressive power limitations, supports discourse relations and inter-sentential 
coreferences, and reduces the annotation load. The appointed Postdoctoral 
Researcher will explore semantic modelling solutions and their application to 
event extraction in the field of business.

The topic covers various subjects, including:
 - Computational semantics,
 - Machine learning with neural networks,
 - Cross-domain model transfer,
 - Learning from small data,
 - Combining top-down (expert-driven) and bottom-up (dataset-driven) models,
 - Design of meaning representations
 - Shallow and deep semantic processing and reasoning
 - Hybrid symbolic and statistical approaches to semantics
 - Neural semantic parsing
 - Semantics and ontologies

The successful candidate will be part of Namkin's Data & IA team and the 
Sémagramme Team at Loria, with co-supervision provided by Agata Marcante and 
Professor Maxime Amblard.

As part of the role, you will have the opportunity to...
- Design, develop and test semantic representation algorithms for text-mining 
with the aim of identifying significant information in unstructured text.
- Collaborate with Namkin’s experts to evaluate the algorithms on real-world 
use cases.
You will be responsible for writing academic papers, technical reports and 
project deliverables. You will also attend academic conferences or project 
meetings to present your findings and act as a representative for the team.

Requirements include expertise in semantic representation algorithms, excellent 
technical writing skills and the ability to work well in a team.
* Applicants must hold a PhD in Computer Science, related to Data Systems, 
Natural Language Processing, or Artificial Intelligence.
* They should have proven fluency in at least one programming language, such as 
Python, R, Java or C++.
* Candidates must possess a curious and passionate attitude towards research 
and learning in general.
* Proficiency in French language would be considered a bonus.
* Previous experience in the NLP field would be considered advantageous.

How to apply:

send an email to: <> 

- with the subject starting with ''Namkin-Loria Postdoc''
- with a single PDF attached containing:
* Cover letter detailing motivation and qualifications for this position.
* Curriculum vitae, with a list of publications and contact details for 

Interested parties are encouraged to contact us for further information 
regarding the position before applying.


Arendarenko, E., & Kakkonen, T. (2012). Ontology-based information and event 
extraction for business intelligence. In Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, 
Systems, and Applications: 15th International Conference, AIMSA 2012, Varna, 
Bulgaria, September 12-15, 2012. Proceedings 15 (pp. 89-102). Springer Berlin 

Barhom, S., Shwartz, V., Eirew, A., Bugert, M., Reimers, N., & Dagan, I. 
(2019). Revisiting joint modeling of cross-document entity and event 
coreference resolution. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01753.

Banarescu, L., Bonial, C., Cai, S., Georgescu, M., Griffitt, K., Hermjakob, U., 
... & Schneider, N. (2013, August). Abstract meaning representation for 
sembanking. In Proceedings of the 7th linguistic annotation workshop and 
interoperability with discourse (pp. 178-186).

Jacobs, G., & Hoste, V. (2020). Extracting fine-grained economic events from 
business news. In COLING 2020 (pp. 235-245). COLING.

Jacobs, G., & Hoste, V. (2022). SENTiVENT: enabling supervised information 
extraction of company-specific events in economic and financial news. Language 
Resources and Evaluation, 56(1), 225-257.

Jacobs, G., Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2018). Economic event detection in 
company-specific news text. In 1st Workshop on Economics and Natural Language 
Processing (ECONLP) at Meeting of the Association-for-Computational-Linguistics 
(ACL) (pp. 1-10). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Han, S., Hao, X., & Huang, H. (2018). An event-extraction approach for business 
analysis from online Chinese news. Electronic Commerce Research and 
Applications, 28, 244-260.

Huang, L., Ji, H., Cho, K., Dagan, I., Riedel, S., & Voss, C. (2018, July). 
Zero-Shot Transfer Learning for Event Extraction. In Proceedings of the 56th 
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long 
Papers) (pp. 2160-2170).

Xu, R., Wang, P., Liu, T., Zeng, S., Chang, B., & Sui, Z. (2022). A two-stream 
AMR-enhanced model for document-level event argument extraction. arXiv preprint 
Yang, Y., Guo, Q., Hu, X., Zhang, Y., Qiu, X., & Zhang, Z. (2023). An AMR-based 
link prediction approach for document-level event argument extraction. arXiv 
preprint arXiv:2305.19162.

Zhang, H., Qian, Z., Li, P., & Zhu, X. (2022, November). Evidence-Based 
Document-Level Event Factuality Identification. In PRICAI 2022: Trends in 
Artificial Intelligence: 19th Pacific Rim International Conference on 
Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2022, Shanghai, China, November 10–13, 2022, 
Proceedings, Part II (pp. 240-254). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Zheng, S., Cao, W., Xu, W., & Bian, J. (2019). Doc2EDAG: An end-to-end 
document-level framework for Chinese financial event extraction. arXiv preprint 

Zhu, T., Qu, X., Chen, W., Wang, Z., Huai, B., Yuan, N. J., & Zhang, M. (2021). 
Efficient document-level event extraction via pseudo-trigger-aware pruned 
complete graph. arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.06013.

Maxime Amblard
Université de Lorraine <> <>

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