Just a correction:

ICON-2018 proceedings are also available on ACL Anthology:



On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 3:58 PM Asif Ekbal via Corpora <
corpora@list.elra.info> wrote:

> Dear Colleague,
> Please disseminate the following.
> Best regards
> Asif
> ================================================================
> *First Call for Papers- ICON 2024*
> The 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2024)
> will be held at AU-KBC Research Centre, Chennai, India during December
> 19-22, 2024. The ICON Conference series is a forum for promoting
> interaction among researchers in the field of Natural Language Processing
> (NLP) and Computational linguistics (CL) in India and abroad. The main
> conference is from  20th December 2024 to 21st December 2024. This will be
> preceded by one day of pre-conference tutorials / workshops on 19th
> December 2024 and one day of post conference shared tasks / tools / demos
> on 22nd December 2024.
> The papers published in ICON proceedings will be indexed in ACL
> Anthology. ACL Anthology is a digital archive of research papers in
> Computational Linguistics for major international conferences under
> Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), which is one of the most
> well-known associations for NLP and CL. The previous proceedings of ICON
> 2014 <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/volumes/W14-51/>, ICON 2015
> <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/volumes/W15-59/>, ICON 2016
> <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/volumes/W16-63/>, ICON 2017
> <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/volumes/W17-75/>, ICON 2019
> <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/events/icon-2019/> , ICON 2020
> <https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/events/icon-2020/> , ICON 2021 and ICON
> 2022 can be found in ACL Anthology.
> *Call for Papers*
> Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished research work
> on all aspects of Natural Language Processing. We encourage submissions
> from all language families but special emphasis is given for South Asian
> languages and other less resourced languages, their issues and
> applications.
> The areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
> Language Resources
>  Morphology, Syntax,  Semantics and  Discourse
>  Machine Translation
>  Large Language Models (LLMs)
>  Interpretability and Explainability of NLP models
>  Summarization
>  Information Extraction
>  Named Entity Recognition
>  Sentiment and Emotion Analysis
>  Question Answering
> Natural Language Generation
> Natural Language Understanding
>  Information Retrieval
> Text Mining
>  Multilingual systems
>  Multimodality
>  Dialogue Systems
>  NLP for Digital Humanities
>  Ethics in NLP
>  NLP for Education
> Medical NLP
> NLP Language Documentation and Preservation
> Speech Recognition
> Speech Synthesis
> Video to Text
> Machine Learning
>  Applications to NLP
>  Cognitive Modeling
> Psycholinguistics
> Computational Social Science and Social Media.
> *Call for Tutorials / Workshops*
> Proposals are invited for pre-conference tutorials/workshops.
> Tutorials/Workshops can be of half-day or full-day duration. The proposal
> should be presented in the form of an extended abstract (1-2 pages) as per
> the ICON 2024 template (ACL template).
> This should contain a topical outline of the content, description of the
> proposers and their qualifications relating to the tutorial content.
> Proposals for Tutorial/Workshop can be submitted at this link
> <https://www.softconf.com/icon2021/WS-TUT-ICON2021/>.
> Send tutorial/workshop proposals to the ICON-2024 Secretariat by email to
> icon2...@gmail.com. For further information, please refer to the
> Conference URL or contact the ICON-2024 Secretariat.
> *Call for Doctoral Consortium*
> The ICON organising committee is pleased to call for papers for the 3rd
> Doctoral Consortium. This event extends an opportunity for doctoral
> candidates to present and discuss their research with a panel of experts.
> The discussion would include feedback on the evolution and progress of
> their research. It also helps them to identify the roadmap and additional
> studies, which could help refine the shape of their doctoral thesis. The
> doctoral consortium will be a one-day or half day event being organised on
> December 19, 2024, as part of the ICON-2024 conference. The applicants
> are required to submit a two-page extended abstract of their PhD research
> work. Submit your abstracts at this link
> <https://www.softconf.com/icon2021/Doc-Consort-ICON2021/>. The
> shortlisted candidates would be invited to the consortium where they are
> required to present a summary of their research. Each candidate will be
> given 30 minutes for the presentation, which will be followed by a
> discussion of 15 minutes, led by a panel of experts. Prospective doctoral
> students from language technologies related disciplines are invited to
> apply. The selection of participants will be based on the submitted
> abstracts.
> *Guidelines*
> The invitation is open to all participants of ICON 2024. The applicants
> are required to submit an extended two-page abstract on their ongoing
> doctoral research. The submission can be extended to a maximum of two pages
> including all text, figures and tables, plus an additional third page
> exclusively for references. The submissions must follow the ICON template
> provided in the author's kit. The abstracts may incorporate published and
> in-progress work from the authors. Submissions are expected to present a
> fair picture of the research undertaken towards the thesis. Participants
> are advised to refrain from submitting a shorter version of their
> conference papers. Submissions must have the participant as the sole
> author. Acknowledgements to their supervisors, supporting agencies/bodies,
> and contributors to the work, can be made in a separate section.
> The submission must highlight the following: The motivation of the
> research; Key issues identified/addressed; Major contributions;
> Methodologies, Experiments; Discussion of results; Future plans and Roadmap
> for the thesis.
> *Call for Shared Tasks /Tools / Demos*
> Proposals are invited for post-conference shared tasks / tools / demos.
> Shared Tasks /Tools / Demos can be of half-day or full-day duration. The
> proposal should be presented in the form of an extended abstract (1-2
> pages) as per the ICON 2024 template (ACL template). This should contain
> a topical outline of the content, description of the proposers and their
> qualifications relating to the shared tasks / tools / demos content.
> Proposals for Shared Tasks /Tools / Demos can be submitted at this link
> <https://www.softconf.com/icon2021/Shared-Demo-ICON2021/>. Send shared
> task / tool / demo proposals to the ICON-2024 Secretariat by email to
> icon2...@gmail.com. For further information, please refer to the
> Conference URL or contact the ICON-2024 Secretariat.
> *Important Dates*
> Event                                                                 Date
> Paper Submission Deadline                          September 15, 2024
> Paper Acceptance Notification                     November 1, 2024
> Paper Camera Ready Paper Submission    December 10, 2024
> Doctoral Consortium Deadline                      October 1, 2024
> Paper Acceptance Notification (Doctoral Consortium)    November 10, 2024
> Workshop Proposal Submission                  September 15, 2024
> Workshop Acceptance Notification            October 15, 2024
> Tutorial Proposal Submission                      September 15, 2024
> Tutorial Acceptance Notification                 October 15, 2024
> Shared Task /Tool/ Demo Proposal Submission September 15, 2024
> Shared Task /Tool/ Demo Acceptance Notification          October 15, 2024
> Conference                                                      December
> 19-22, 2024
> *Paper Submission Information*
> *Long Papers*
> Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and
> unpublished work.
> Long papers may consist of up to 8 pages of content, plus unlimited
> references. Final versions of long papers will be given one additional page
> of content (up to 9 pages) plus any no of pages for the references.
> *Short Papers*
> Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work.
> Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead short
> papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages. Some kinds of
> short papers are:
> A small, focused contribution
> A negative result
> An opinion piece
> An interesting application nugget
> Short papers may consist of up to 4 pages of content, plus unlimited
> references. Upon acceptance, short papers will be given 5 content pages in
> the proceedings.
> Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers'
> comments in their final versions.
> *Instructions for Double-Blind Review*
> As reviewing will be double blind, papers must not include authors' names
> and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references or links (such as github)
> that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith,
> 1991) .." must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously
> showed (Smith, 1991) ..." Papers that do not conform to these requirements
> will be rejected without review.
> Papers should not refer, for further detail, to documents that are not
> available to the reviewers. For example, do not omit or redact important
> citation information to preserve anonymity. Instead, use third person or
> named reference to this work, as described above ("Smith showed" rather
> than "we showed").
> Papers may be accompanied by a resource (software and/or data) described
> in the paper, but these resources should be anonymized as well.
> *Authorship*
> The author list for submissions should include all (and only) individuals
> who made substantial contributions to the work presented. Each author
> listed on a submission to ICON 2021 will be notified of submissions,
> revisions and the final decision. No changes to the order or composition of
> authorship may be made to submissions to ICON 2021 after the paper
> submission deadline.
> *Paper Submission and Templates*
> Submission is electronic, using the Softconf START conference management
> system. The submission will be available here:
> The deadline for submission of both long and short papers is September 15,
> 2024 (GMT -12).
> Both long and short papers must follow the ACL Author Guidelines
> <https://www.aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=ACL_Author_Guidelines>
> Style sheets (Latex, Word) are available here:
> https://acl2020.org/downloads/acl2020-templates.zip
> The Overleaf template is also available here:
> https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acl-2020-proceedings-template/zsrkcwjptpcd
> Please do not modify these style files, or use templates designed for
> other conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles,
> including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be
> rejected without review.
> ======================================================================
> --
> Asif Ekbal Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and
> Engineering IIT Patna
> Email ids: a...@iitp.ac.in,asif.ek...@gmail.com Ph no: +91-6115-2338090
> <callto:+91-6115-2338090> (office), +91-8521274830 <callto:+91-8521274830>
> Web: http://www.iitp.ac.in/~asif/
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- Anil
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