3rd Call for Papers: 4th Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences  (CPSS 2024)

[With apologies for cross-posting]

We welcome submissions for the **4th edition of the CPSS workshop,**co-located with KONVENS'24, in Vienna, Austria on 13th September 2024*.*

Keeping with the theme of text-as-data and NLP techniques for studying political and social phenomena, you can submit both archival papers (short or long) or non-archival abstracts. Closely related themes include (but are not limited to):

 * Modelling political communication with NLP (e.g. topic
   classification, position measurement)
 * Mining policy debates from heterogeneous textual sources
 * Modelling complex social constructs (e.g. populism,
   polarisation,identity) with NLP methods
 * Political and social bias in language models
 * Methodological insights in interdisciplinary collaboration:
   workflows, challenges, best practices
 * NLP support to understand and support democratic decision making
 * Resources and tools for political/social science research
 * ... and more!

Important Dates

Workshop papers due



Notification of acceptance



Camera-ready papers due



Workshop date



Papers can be submitted through Easychair via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cpss2024 More details on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/cpss2024konvens/home-page The workshop will feature a panel onLLMs in Political and Social Science Research

Anna-Carolina Haensch <https://carohaensch.github.io/>(LMU Münich)
Jana Lasser <https://janalasser.at/>(University ofGraz)
Anne Lauscher <https://anne-lauscher.de/>(University of Hamburg)
Alexander Wuttke <https://www.political-behavior.digital/>(Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, München)

Best, CPSS'24 organizers (Christopher Klamm, Gabriella Lapesa, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Ines Rehbein, Indira Sen)
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