
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this Workshop program *
* For the online version of this Call, visit: https://cikm2024.org/workshops/


CIKM 2024: 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge 
Boise, Idaho, USA

October 21–25, 2024


The workshop program of CIKM 2024 has been published. Workshops are planned to 
take place on 25 October 2024. 
Here you can find a summary of each accepted workshop and the website for more 
Deadlines start on July 29th.

AI Agent for Information Retrieval
The field of information retrieval has significantly transformed with the 
integration of AI technologies. AI agents, especially those leveraging LLMs and 
vast computational power, have revolutionized information retrieval, 
processing, and presentation. 
Despite these advancements, challenges such as ensuring relevance and accuracy, 
mitigating biases, providing real-time responses, and maintaining data security 
This workshop is motivated by the need to explore these challenges, share 
innovative solutions, and discuss future directions. 

More information at: https://sites.google.com/view/ai4ir/

DCAI: The 4th International Workshop on Data-Centric AI
Machine learning focuses on developing models for datasets, but real-world data 
is often messy. Improving the dataset itself can be a better way to enhance 
performance instead of just improving the models. Data-Centric AI (DCAI) is an 
emerging field that systematically improves datasets, resulting in significant 
improvements in ML applications. 
This workshop aims to build an interdisciplinary DCAI community to tackle data 
problems such as collection, labeling, preprocessing, quality evaluation, debt, 
and governance. 

More information at: https://data-centric-ai-dev.github.io/CIKM2024/

GenAI and RAG Systems for Enterprise
Generative AI (GenAI) represented by large language models (LLMs) is 
revolutionizing the way we approach problem-solving and content creation in 
various domains. This workshop aims to bring together academic researchers and 
industrial practitioners who are interested in building GenAI solutions for 
enterprise AI, with a special focus on RAG systems. 
The workshop will provide a platform for sharing the latest research advances, 
practical experiences, and real-world challenges in this emerging field. 

More information at: https://sites.google.com/view/cikm2024-rag/home

Knowledge Graphs for Responsible AI
As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated, including the explosion of 
Generative AI, there is a growing need to address ethical considerations and 
potential societal impacts of their uses. The workshop aims to investigate the 
role of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) in promoting Responsible AI principles and 
creating a cooperative space for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers 
to exchange insights and enhance their comprehension of KGs' impact on 
achieving Responsible AI solutions. It seeks to facilitate collaboration and 
idea-sharing to advance the understanding of how KGs can contribute to 
Responsible AI.

More information at: 

LLMs Beyond the Cutoff
The workshop provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussing the temporal 
limitations of LLMs and proposing technical solutions of how to apply and 
develop LLMs beyond their cutoff dates. We explore two prominent scenarios, 
where contexts tend to evolve faster than the LLMs that are used to analyze 
them: (1) journalism and (2) industry.  

More information at: https://llmsbeyondthecutoff2024.wordpress.com/

The 1st Workshop on Multimodal Search and Recommendations (CIKM MMSR ‘24)
The advent of multimodal LLMs like GPT-4o and Gemini has significantly boosted 
the potential for multimodal search and recommendations. Traditional search 
engines rely mainly on textual queries, supplemented by session and 
geographical data. In contrast, multimodal systems create a shared embedding 
space for text, images, audio, and more, enabling next-gen customer 
experiences. These advancements lead to more accurate and personalized 
recommendations, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

More information at: https://cikm-mmsr.github.io/

The 3rd International Workshop on Industrial Recommendation Systems
The gap in constraints and requirements between academic research and industry 
limits the broad applicability of many of academia’s contributions for 
industrial recommendation systems. This workshop aspires to bridge this gap by 
bringing together researchers from both academia and industry. Its goal is to 
serve as a platform via which academic researchers become aware of the 
additional factors that may affect the chances of algorithm adoption into real 
production systems, and the performance of the algorithms if deployed. 
Industrial researchers will also benefit from sharing the practical frameworks 
at an industrial level.

More information at: https://irsworkshop.github.io/2024/

The 4th International Workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems
The international workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems (OARS) 
will serve as a platform for publication and discussion of OARS. This workshop 
will bring together practitioners and researchers from academia and industry to 
discuss the challenges and approaches to implement OARS algorithms and systems, 
and improve user experiences by better modeling and responding to user intent.

More information at: https://oars-workshop.github.io/

The 8th Workshop on Graph Techniques for Adversarial Activity Analytics (GTA³ 
Graphs are powerful analytic tools for modeling adversarial activities across a 
wide range of domains and applications. With the rapid development of 
generative AI, the lifecycle and throughput of adversarial activities, such as 
generating attacks or synthesizing deceptive signals, have accelerated 
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum to discuss emerging research 
problems and novel approaches in graph analysis for modeling adversarial 
activities in the age of generative AI.

More information at: https://gta3.hrl.com/

Trustworthy and Responsible AI for Information and Knowledge Management System
The way research and business manage and utilize knowledge is undergoing a 
significant transformation, driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI offers a 
unique solution for organizations struggling with information overload and 
inefficient knowledge transfer. However, such AI systems solicit a trustworthy 
and responsible solution that can cater the potential misuse and malfunction. 
In this workshop, we aim to gather researchers and engineers from academia and 
industry to discuss the latest advances for trustworthy and responsible AI 
solutions for information and knowledge management systems.

More information at: https://responsible-ai.wiki/cikm24/index.html

Workshop on Generative AI for E-Commerce
The “Gen AI for E-commerce” workshop explores the role of Generative Artificial 
Intelligence in transforming e-commerce through enhanced user experience and 
operational efficiency. E-commerce companies grapple with multiple challenges 
such as lack of quality content for products, subpar user experience, sparse 
This workshop will bring together experts from academia and industry to discuss 
these challenges and opportunities, aiming to showcase case studies, 
breakthroughs, and insights into practical implementations of Gen AI in 

More information at: https://genai-ecommerce.github.io/GenAIECommerce2024
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