I agree that the cosign documentation is not exactly helpful for cosign 
newbies. I built cosign once a couple years ago and need to get it installed 
again. I don't remember the exact steps so I am having to go through old email 
messages and the various wiki page instructions attempting to glean the 
information necessary to build cosign on Leopard Server. This is a rather 
time-consuming process.

There actually is an excellent example of documentation for installing webauth 
on the Stanford University Mac OS X blog written by Noah Abrahamson. It is not 
exactly specific to cosign but they are similar in many ways. You might want to 
check out the following web pages:

http://www.stanford.edu/services/webauth/features.html - see especially WebAuth 
vs. Cosign

 - details the steps to configure apache, webauth, ssl and so on.

This is the sort of documentation that users of cosign would find extremely 

Just my 2ยข.

Joy Denton
Desktop Support Specialist
University of Michigan
Science Learning Center
930 N. University
1720 Chemistry
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Montague [mailto:markm...@umich.edu] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 10:35 AM
To: Bob Radvanovsky
Cc: cosign-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Cosign-discuss] This friggin' sucks....

I won't repeat anything Wes has said.  Please read his message.  Also, 
note that I just run the production cosign servers for the University of 
Michigan, I'm not one of the cosign developers/maintainers.

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 8:37 PM, Bob Radvanovsky <rsrad...@unixworks.net> 
> (2) I have Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 loaded on it WITH EVERYTHING LOADED.  
> I chose the "Use Everything" option.
> (3) I have downloaded OpenSSL 0.9.8. configured, compiled and installed.
> (4) I have downloaded Apache 2.0.63, configured, compiled and installed.

If you are using RHEL 5.3, why are you not using the default versions of 
OpenSSL and Apache HTTPD that Red Hat installs by default when you 
select "Web server" on the "Package Selection" screen during 
installation?  It's possible and supported to do what you're doing, but 
it increases the number of things you have to get right for everything 
to work properly.

> There are MULTIPLE instructions for installing this software.  There are 
> multiple methods for utilizing whatever path you choose.

Yes.  That's called flexibility.  There is no one-size-fits-all 
configuration.  Still, while I think the various instructions can be 
explained more and generally improved (as Trek has said), all of the 
sets of instructions have the same basic steps.  If you're confused and 
just want a single set of instructions, the README (for setting up the 
filters) and README.weblogin (for setting up the central weblogin 
servers) files that are included with the distributions are the 
authoritative references.

> If I understand this correctly, this is to be the "front door" for a portal 
> server that, based on the user's ID and password, and based upon their rights 
> granted, would grant them permissions of various levels of applications based 
> from their login ID and password authentication.  Right?

cosign is a web single-sign-on solution for an enterprise environment.  
While it can be used to provide authentication for a web server that 
runs portlets (just as it can be used to provide authentication for most 
web servers), cosign has no special support for portal APIs.  Note that 
an assumption behind cosign is that you'll have enough web servers to 
protect that setting up and maintaining a central weblogin server is a 
relatively small marginal cost.

Finally, cosign merely makes sure people are who they say they are.  It 
does not deal in permissions (authorization) -- you can use whatever 
authorization solution you want in conjunction with cosign.  Depending 
on your needs, you may choose LDAP (e.g., mod_authnz_ldap for Apache 
HTTPD), a global database (MySQL or Oracle), one or more 
web-application-specific databases, Unix groups (via PAM or NIS+), or so on.

                Mark Montague
                ITCS Web/Database Team
                The University of Michigan

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