On December 16, 2010 14:14 , Steve Maser <ma...@umich.edu>  wrote:
1)  How do I tell what version of cosign I'm currently running?

Each time you restart httpd, mod_cosign writes a message with its version number to httpd's error log file. For example,

[Mon Dec 06 09:33:47 2010] [notice] mod_cosign: version 3.0.1 initialized.

If you do not see this, check your LogLevel <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#loglevel> directive to make sure it is set to either notice, info, or debug; restart httpd; and then look again.

2)  Assuming I'm running a 3.0.x version (which I know I am when I
installed this about a year ago, but not sure which 3.0.x version)
and want to upgrade to the current version 3.1.2...

What are the basic steps to upgrade?

Do I need to do the ./configure... *and* "make"/"make install" steps?
And that's it?

If your notes do not indicate that you needed to do anything special for your environment -- like giving special arguments to configure, copying mod_cosign.so to a special location, or setting special permissions on mod_cosign.so just to name a few -- then, yes, do a "./configure && make && sudo make install". (Note the "sudo" in front of the "make install" since you should compile mod_cosign.so as a normal user, but a normal user should not have the ability to modify Apache HTTP Server modules for security reasons).

You'll need to restart httpd -- not just reload the configuration -- in order for the new version of the cosign module to start be used. After you restart httpd, check its error log file to be sure the version number is correct and that there are no error messages that represent problems.

Basically, I'm wondering if "upgrading" cosign from 3.0.x to 3.1.2
will overwrite anything I did when I first installed 3.0.x that I
need to be aware of or if it's just as simple as doing an
installation with the current version and it won't break anything...

It should not overwrite anything. Cookies you have in your local cookie database (by default, /var/cosign/filter) will be preserved.

If you set special permissions, however, you'll want to be sure that none of the special permissions were reverted during the "sudo make install" step; consult your notes and compare them against the commands run by "sudo make install".

  Mark Montague

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