On March 21, 2011 20:31 , "Alex Tjahjana" <a.tjahj...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:

Anyone know whether I can use CoSign with RedHat 7.3 kernel v2.4.20-28.7smp with Apache 1.3?

The document that I can find said that I can use it with Apache 1.3 but with RedHat 9.

Short answer: Try it; hopefully it will work. But you should really upgrade both your OS and web server instead.

Long answer:

The kernel version should not matter; cosign does not rely on specific kernel features.

However, Red Hat Linux 7.3 is from May 2002 -- that's nearly 9 years old. There have been six major releases since then (8, 9, then RHEL 3 through 6). You may have compiler, library, or autotools problems because of this (or it may work out of the box, you'd have to try it). I'd encourage you to upgrade to a newer Linux distribution if you can, for security and support reasons. If you don't want to buy RHEL 6, Centos 5 is freely available, as is Fedora 14 and a large number of other distributions.

Also, Apache HTTP Server 1.3 was removed from the main http://httpd.apache.org/ page today, after being deprecated for many years, and after being officially unsupported for the past year. Apache 1.3 was succeeded by 2.0, which is now getting very old itself, 2.2 (the current major version, which dates from 2005), and the next major version, 2.4, is due out in a couple of months. I'd strongly recommend upgrading to Apache HTTP Server 2.2.17 if at all possible, again for security and support reasons. Despite this, I would expect that the cosign filter for Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x will still work if you try it on a recent OS with a recent compiler, recent libraries, and recent autotools.

Hopefully, you're using the latest release of cosign, version 3.1.2, since older versions -- particularly 2.x and previous -- have architectural flaws, and a central weblogin server running cosign 3.x won't work with cosign-protected web servers running filters versions prior to 3.0 unless the system administrators running the central weblogin servers explicitly permit it (but there are good reasons why they should not permit it).

  Mark Montague

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