On October 10, 2011 11:19 , Chris Hecker <chec...@d6.com> wrote:
> I asked a similar question a couple months ago for doing this from a 
> service with a keytab, and the best approach seemed to be to set up a 
> parallel mod_authn_krb5+cosign mapping to the resource, and then talk 
> to that using code, since the negotiate auth protocol looks pretty 
> simple (since you won't have to implement all the negotiate stuff) and 
> you won't need passwords for the scripts if you've got a valid krb5 
> ticket.
> I haven't written the code yet, but I looked at all the pieces and 
> convinced myself it would work.  You need to be able to wrap krb5 
> tickets with the spnego asn.1 wrapper, but that's probably easy from perl.

Or, if the cosign-protected web service does not need to use Kerberos 
tickets for the authenticated user, have the Perl script you're writing 
authenticate using X.509 client certificates.  Not via cosign's support 
for X.509, just via mod_ssl with a "Satisfy any" directive.

   Mark Montague
   LSA Research Systems Group
   University of Michigan

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