On October 28, 2011 18:47 , Chris Hecker <chec...@d6.com> wrote:
> I can't seem to make it work.  Is there a way to
> get verbose logging to see where it's failing?  As soon as I uncomment
> either of these checks, apache gives me a 401 Authorization Required error.
> <Location /beta>
>      CosignProtected On
>      AuthType Cosign
>      AuthLDAPURL
> "ldaps://example.com/ou=beta,cn=krbcontainer,o=example?exampleUsername"
>      #       Require ldap-attribute exampleEnableWebLogin=TRUE
>      #       Require ldap-user checker
> </Location>

You can temporarily turn LogLevel up to "debug".  No guarantees, but 
hopefully mod_authnz_ldap will then be verbose about what it is doing.  
At the very least httpd itself should report on the return values that 
both mod_cosign and mod_authnz_ldap are generating for each request 
processing hook.

See https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#loglevel

   Mark Montague

RSA&reg; Conference 2012
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