Ubuntu 12 server apache2 cosign 3.1.2

http and https work fine, but as soon as I include the cosign config 
https comes back after sign in as unavailable service.
URL after sign in is that long valid?cosign string so it would appear 
auth is working, but cosign on this webserver is not.
I can find no info on where any useful logs would be written to tell me 
why it's unavailable.  As far as I can tell the cosign module is active, 
and yet it's not available for some reason.  Setup mirrors what we do on 
Red Hat but it's not working on Ubuntu for some reason.
Nothing in the apache2 error log or ssl error log or the syslog

Ideas where to look?

   Yadin Flammer - Systems Administrator
   College of Arts&  Architecture, Penn State University
   228 Borland Building              Office Phone: 814-865-0990
   University Park, PA 16802         Dept. Phone:  814-865-1571
   Email: y...@psu.edu               Dept. Fax:    814-863-6227

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