---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Atkins <br...@posthuman.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:44 AM
Subject: [tt] I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware
To: transhumantech <t...@postbiota.org>


I'm baffled by WhosHere. And I'm no newbie. I built my first Web page in
wrote my first blog entry in 1999, and sent my first tweet in October 2006.
user number on Yahoo's event site, Upcoming.org: 14. I love tinkering with
gadgets and diving into new applications. But WhosHere had me stumped. It's
iPhone app that knows where you are, shows you other users nearby, and lets
chat with them. Once it was installed and running, I drew a blank. What was
going to do with this thing?

So I asked for some help. I started messaging random people within a mile of
location (37.781641 °N, 122.393835 °W), asking what they used WhosHere for.

My first response came from someone named Bridget, who, according to her
profile, at least, was a 25 year-old woman with a proclivity for scarves.
find sex, asshole," she wrote.

"I'm sorry? You mean it's for finding people to have sex with?" I zapped

"Yes, I use it for that," she wrote. "It's my birthday," she added.

"Happy birthday," I offered.

"Send me a nude pic for my birthday," she replied.

A friendly offer, but I demurred. Anonymous geoshagging is not what I had in
mind when I imagined what the GPS revolution could mean to me.

The location-aware future—good, bad, and sleazy—is here. Thanks to the
iPhone 3G
and, to a lesser extent, Google's Android phone, millions of people are now
walking around with a gizmo in their pocket that not only knows where they
but also plugs into the Internet to share that info, merge it with online
databases, and find out what—and who—is in the immediate vicinity. That old
about how someday you'll walk past a Starbucks and your phone will receive a
digital coupon for half off on a Frappuccino? Yeah, that can happen now.

Simply put, location changes everything. This one input—our coordinates—has
potential to change all the outputs. Where we shop, who we talk to, what we
read, what we search for, where we go—they all change once we merge location
the Web.

I wanted to know more about this new frontier, so I became a geo-guinea pig.
plan: Load every cool and interesting location-aware program I could find
my iPhone and use them as often as possible. For a few weeks, whenever I
at a new place, I would announce it through multiple social geoapps. When
for a run, bike ride, or drive, I would record my trajectory and publish it
online. I would let digital applications help me decide where to work, play,
eat. And I would seek out new people based on nothing but their proximity to
at any given moment. I would be totally open, exposing my location to the
just to see where it took me. I even added an Eye-Fi Wi-Fi card to my
digital camera so that all my photos could be geotagged and uploaded to the
I would become the most location-aware person on the Internets!

The trouble started right away. While my wife and I were sipping stouts at
neighborhood pub in San Francisco (37.770401 °N, 122.445154 °W), I casually
mentioned my plan. Her eyes narrowed. "You're not going to announce to
that you're leaving town without me, are you? A lot of weirdos follow you

Sorry, weirdos—I love you, but she has a point. Because of my work, many
people—most of them strangers—track my various Flickr, Twitter, Tumblr, and
feeds. And it's true; I was going to be gone for a week on business. Did I
really want to tell the world that I was out of town? It wasn't just leaving
wife home alone that concerned me. Because the card in my camera
added location data to my photos, anyone who cared to look at my Flickr page
could see my computers, my spendy bicycle, and my large flatscreen TV all
pinpointed on an online photo map. Hell, with a few clicks you could get
directions right to my place—and with a few more you could get black gloves
a lock pick delivered to your home.

To test whether I was being paranoid, I ran a little experiment. On a sunny
Saturday, I spotted a woman in Golden Gate Park taking a photo with a 3G
Because iPhones embed geodata into photos that users upload to Flickr or
iPhone shots can be automatically placed on a map. At home I searched the
map, and score—a shot from today. I clicked through to the user's
and determined it was the woman I had seen earlier. After adjusting the
so that only her shots appeared on the map, I saw a cluster of images in one
location. Clicking on them revealed photos of an apartment interior—a
bedroom, a
kitchen, a filthy living room. Now I know where she lives.

Geo-enthusiasts will assure you that these privacy concerns are overplayed:
cell phone can be used to pinpoint your location anyway, and a skilled
could likely get that data from your mobile carrier. Heck, in the UK,
mobile phone users is as simple as entering their number on a Web site (as
as they give permission). But the truth is, there just aren't that many
who want to prey on your location. Still, I can't help being a little
when I start broadcasting my current position and travel plans. I mean, I
to stop newspaper delivery so people wouldn't realize I was out of town. Now
I've told everyone on Dopplr that I'm going to DC for five days.

And location info gets around. The first time I saw my home address on
I jumped—because I never posted it there. Then I realized it was because I
signed up for Whrrl. Like many other geosocial applications, Whrrl lets you
cross-post to the microblogging platform Twitter. Twitter, in turn, gets
to all sorts of other places. So when I updated my location in Whrrl, the
message leaped first to Twitter and then to Facebook and FriendFeed before
landing on my blog, where Google indexed it. By updating one small app on my
iPhone, I had left a giant geotagged footprint across the Web.

A few days later I had another disturbing realization. It's a Tuesday and
blowing off a work meeting in favor of a bike ride through Golden Gate Park
(37.771558 °N, 122.454478 °W). Suddenly it hits me—since I would later post
route online with the date and time, I would be just a Google search ("Mat
Tuesday noon") away from getting busted. I'm a freelancer, and these are
economic times. I can't afford to have the Internet ratting me out like

To learn how to deal with this new openness, I met with Tom Coates at Caffe
Centro (37.781694 °N, 122.394234 °W). Coates started Fire Eagle, a sort of
location clearinghouse: You tell Fire Eagle where you are, and it sends that
info to a host of other geoapps, like Outside.in and Bizroof. Not only does
Eagle save you from having to update the same information on multiple
it also lets you specify the level of detail to give each app—precise
general neighborhood, or just the city you're in. The idea is that these
will mitigate privacy concerns. In addition to this, as Coates puts it: "You
have to have the ability to lie about your location."

Any good social geoapp will let you type in a fake position manually, Coates
says. Great news; I didn't need to get busted for missing meetings—or
deadlines—ever again.

I was starting to revel in the benefits of location awareness. By trusting
app (iWant) that showed me nearby dining options, I discovered an Iraqi
joint in
my neighborhood that I'd somehow neglected. Thanks to an app (GasBag) that
displayed gas stations with current prices, I was able to find the cheapest
petrol no matter where I drove. In Reno, one program (HeyWhatsThat) even
gave me
the names and elevation profiles of all the surrounding mountains. And
(WikiMe), which displayed Wikipedia entries about local points of interest,
taught me a thing or two about the San Francisco waterfront. (Did you know
Marina District exists largely because a land speculator built a seawall in
1890s?) These GPS tools were making me smarter.

And more social. While working downtown one day, it looked like I was going
have to endure a lonely burrito lunch by myself. So I updated my location
asked for company. My friend Mike saw my post on Twitter and dropped by on
way to the office. Later, I met up with a couple of people I had previously
known only online: After learning I would be just around the corner from
office, we agreed to get together for coffee. One of them, it turns out,
in a field I cover and gave me a tip on a story.

But then, two weeks into the experiment, I bumped into my friend Mindy at
Dovre Club (37.749008 °N, 122.420547 °W). She mentioned my constant updates,
which she'd noticed on Facebook. "It seems sort of odd," she said with a
note of
concern. "I've been a little worried about you. I thought, 'Wow, Mat must be
really lonely.'"

I explained that I wasn't actually begging for company; I was just telling
people where I was. But it's an understandable misperception. This is new
territory, and there's no established etiquette or protocol.

This issue came up again while having dinner with a friend at Greens
°N, 122.432131 °W), an upscale vegetarian restaurant. Of course, I thought
nothing of broadcasting my location. But moments after we were seated, two
friends—Randy and Cameron—showed up, obviously expecting to join us. Randy
squatted at the end of the table. Cameron stood. After a while, it became
apparent that no more chairs would be coming, so they left awkwardly. I felt
bad, but I hadn't really invited them. Or had I?

There were also missed connections—lots of missed connections. Apple doesn't
applications from outside software makers run in the background on the
iPhone—for a third-party app to work, it has to be the one currently on the
screen. Apple says it does this to prevent random programs from sucking down
your battery and degrading your phone's performance. As a result, iPhone
location apps can't send out constant updates. This means that people are
showing up where you were, rather than where you are. On a Friday afternoon,
example, I posted an update looking for nearby friends to share a postwork
downtown (37.787229 °N, 122.387093 °W). A short time later, I heard back
from my
friend Lisey, who wanted to meet up. But I had already moved on to Zeitgeist
(37.770088 °N, 122.422194 °W), a beer garden in San Francisco's Mission
District. I again updated my location. But the place was packed, so I
decided to
split and headed to Toronado (37.771920 °N, 122.431213 °W), a bar closer to
home. Just after I left, I heard from Lisey again, who was now on her way to
Mission. I had accidentally dodged her twice. I later discovered that two
pals had shown up at Zeitgeist looking for me.

One way around such snafus is to use the Google phone, T-Mobile's G1. Unlike
iPhone, the G1 lets programs run in the background, so you can launch
location-aware apps and keep them humming while you do other things—check
make calls, take pictures—or just drop the phone in your pocket.

I borrowed a G1 to see what it could do that the iPhone couldn't. One of the
first apps I set up, Ecorio, tracked my every movement and used that data to
generate a report card on my carbon footprint. Since I get around mostly on
foot, bike, or mass transit, this program confirmed my suspicion that I
personally was saving the earth. Another app, Locale, kicks in when you
certain zones—you can set your ringer to go silent when you arrive at work,
instance. I used it to send messages to Twitter automatically when I came
a half mile of home or the Wired office. LifeAware not only tracks your
it also allows you to connect with other people running the app on their
showing you their current location. You can use it to monitor employees,
children, maybe even a spouse. Sadly, I couldn't get anyone to connect with
me—for some reason, nobody wanted me to track their every movement.

These features were nice, but they didn't completely sell me on the G1.
the iPhone 3G has limitations, but its popularity (6.9 million units sold in
first quarter) means there are more applications available for Apple's
One of my favorites is Twinkle, a Twitter widget that lets you see posts
users in your area, even if you don't subscribe to their feeds. Twinkle
me of what a great geoapp can do: take an existing service and make it more
practical by adding location data. When flames shooting into the night sky
appeared to be coming from a nearby hilltop, my Twinkle feed, not the local
news, informed me that the fire was actually across the water on Angel

Apps like Twinkle, of course, are just the beginning. The next round of
tools will be even more pervasive, pushy, and predictive. You'll be able to
through your emails by where you were when you sent them and read blogs
only by writers within your zip code. Everything with an engine is going to
tracked, so you'll know precisely where your bus, taxi, or airplane is at
times. We're going to see more data being pushed to devices as we enter and
leave certain areas. And information on who's doing what and where will be
crunched for even smarter services.

I was coming to love this new definition of self-centeredness. Then my
experiment came to a screeching halt on Interstate 80 just east of
Sacramento. I
was screaming along at 85 miles an hour in my Civic Hybrid (it can too go
fast), cranking Lil Wayne while scanning for cops. Only I wasn't checking
rearview mirror; I was staring at an app that flags speed traps.

Suddenly an object loomed large in my windshield. A jade-colored Prius had
slowed almost to a stop in front of me. I stomped the brakes and swerved
the shoulder to avoid a hybrid mashup. My heart raced.

And that's when it hit me: I had gained better location awareness but was
my sense of place. Sure, with the proper social filters, location awareness
needn't be invasive or creepy. But it can be isolating. Even as we gradually
digitize our environment, we should remember to look around the
way. I took a deep breath, pulled back onto the highway, and drove
by the Google Maps app on my iPhone, of course. And I didn't get lost once.

 Where in the World
Is My iPhone?

To pinpoint your location, your mobile phone talks to cell towers, GPS
satellites, and Wi-Fi nodes. But there's a trade-off between speed and
Here's how Apple's handset knows where you are. — Patrick Di Justo

Cell Towers
Accuracy: varies (about 500 meters in our test)

You might think that your iPhone triangulates its location by using multiple
cell towers, but it actually needs only one. After identifying the single
tower that it's pinging, the iPhone queries a database at Google that lists
location of cell towers. That information is sent back to your phone,
the device approximately where it is.

Pros: Very fast. Works anywhere you have a cell signal, including inside.
Cons: Accurate enough to find restaurants, but not for directions.

Accuracy: 30 meters

The iPhone can also pinpoint its location using Wi-Fi. A company called
cruises cities to map the location of Wi-Fi nodes. The iPhone sniffs them
measures their signal strength, and reports back to Skyhook's servers. Based
its database, Skyhook computes where you must be to have that particular
of signal strengths.

Pros: Fast. Surprisingly accurate if you're in an area with high network
Cons: Useful only in urban areas with lots of Wi-Fi networks.

Accuracy: 10 meters

GPS satellites orbit Earth, constantly broadcasting an identification
their location in space, and the time on their atomic clock. The iPhone uses
assisted GPS, which means it can tap into an assistance server and a
network, helping to get a more accurate GPS reading more quickly.

Pros: By far the most accurate location system available.
Cons: Although A-GPS is much faster than conventional, it's still rather
And because it requires a view of the sky, it doesn't work indoors or in
built-up urban areas.

Buy Right

To get the most out of location-based apps, you'll need the proper
gear.—Christopher Null

Apple iPhone 3G
Pros: Looks amazing. Killer interface and browser. Multitouch display. More
13,000 applications available through iTunes and the Web.
Cons: Poor battery life. Lack of support for background processes hampers
innovation. Slow response on touchscreen keyboard.

T-Mobile G1
Pros: Open source Android software encourages third-party development, and
hundreds of free apps are available at the Android Market. 3.2- megapixel
camera. Hard keyboard.
Cons: Unsexy hardware. Reports of GPS bugginess. Recently launched T-mobile
network is unproven.

Nokia N95
Pros: 5-megapixel camera with flash. Gorgeous screen Double-slider design.
Cons: Expensive. Two-year-old hardware starting to feel dated. Poky GPS
performance. Limited battery life. No central clearinghouse for the
thousands of
available Symbian S60 applications.

BlackBerry Bold 9000
Pros: Familiar, generally intuitive BlackBerry OS. Exceptional messaging
capabilities. The best keyboard of all models. Wide business compatibility.
Cons: 2-megapixel camera is dated. Less capable at entertainment functions,
bright but not very large screen.

LG Chocolate 3
Pros: Nice music features, including built-in FM transmitter for
broadcasting to
your radio. Decent price-to- performance ratio. Verizon network provides
3G coverage.
Cons: So-so Web browser. Flip- phone design not ideal for GPS users. No

Brian Atkins
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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