On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Carl Gustav <crl.gus...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> http://3dangelo.deviantart.com/art/grimm-reaper-69289853
> The supermarket failed to renew the stocks of my particular brand of chips,
> so this put me in a foul mood, which made me phone God, got the reply that
> the number had been disconnected. Damn, tried the devil, same thing. This
> got me thinking, worrying, preoccupied, tried all the angels and demons, no
> answer from none of their cells. This got me worrying even more, had someone
> forgot to upgrade heaven and hell? I mean I know that the last version had
> some glitches, and I was waiting for the new one, they hinted that it all
> could go (not to hell but into oblivion), if no upgrade was done, but I
> expected that the new version by Microsoft would have been out soon enough
> to solve those glitches. So I went to Microsoft's website, and, bam! There,
> I knew it! They haven't released the new version yet, not soon enough for
> the upgrade to solve the glitches in heaven and hell. Damn, darn, that does
> it! Where am I going to stick all the dead people's souls, I just take them
> there into the afterlife, I don't do real estate. This is a real crisis, I'm
> not even in America, so I can't ask Obama for help. One solution is to go
> pre-tech, get Hades or Anubis up and about, but that may take a while. Wait!
> I know, I'll go for the Buddhists, yeah, Nirvana might work! And they were
> even left out by Obama's enumeration of religions in the US, so they must
> certainly be in the limbo!  But, wait, if they're in the limbo, does that
> mean that Richard Gere isn't entering any new sappy romantic comedies with
> Julia Roberts! Oh the tragedy! Oh the ignominy! Good for China though!

If I get really stuck, I always ask Jesus for help.  He always
answers, once he stops laughing at me.  God knows where he puts all
those souls, hey, he says his body is his church, so he must stick all
those unwanted souls in us, when we allow him to live in us, and we
live in him.

What a wonderful memeonic structure we actualize shared by most all
cultures.  What a party of spirit memetics!  It is possible just
because it is logically possible.  It is not super logical, it is
somewhere between the electron memeon and supercalifragilistic
expialidocious memeon alive in the om.

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