*"Risk Management or Risk Manipulation*

-- Posted Tuesday, 27 January 2009 | *Digg This Article[image: Digg
Management or Risk Manipulation&bodytext= Thomas Tan   Value at risk (VaR)
financial models are the latest game being played by those on Wall Street
who profess to manage risk, a troubling trend detailed superbly by Joe
Nocera in a January 2nd New York Times Magazine article, They give bankers a
false sense of confidence in their risk control while, in reality,
they...&topic=business_finance> | Source: GoldSeek.com

Thomas Tan

Value at risk (VaR) financial models are the latest game being played by
those on Wall Street who profess to manage risk, a troubling trend detailed
superbly by Joe Nocera in a January 2nd New York Times Magazine
They give bankers a false sense of confidence in their risk control while,
in reality, they increase the level of risk for society as a whole.

But Nocera understates the problem. The risk management groups on Wall
Street are actually engaging in risk manipulation, risk distortion, and risk
amplification — anything but risk management.

Public perception is that Wall Street didn't do much risk management over
the past decade, or perhaps longer, resulting in the profound credit crisis
that wiped out many financial firms and left others precariously hanging on.
But the problem is not that Wall Street didn't have people monitoring risk.
Almost every firm hired scores of risk managers during the last several
years, with some being paid millions of dollars a year. The problem was that
the more people they hired and the more VaR financial models they ran, the
worse their understanding and assessment of risk became.

Why so? There are two main reasons. First, the structure of VaR models is
not based in reality. They place too much faith in the fantasy of
mathematical algorithms to explain the behavior of human beings. They assume
human behavior can be modeled as accurately as launching a rocket — that we
can predict its path and outcome 100% correctly. It's no coincidence risk
managers are often called rocket scientists — they treat people like
physical objects. Is human behavior really that predictable? Are risk
managers so crazy as to think human beings behave like a mindless, computer
predefined rocket? Does human behavior obey math principles or is it the
other way around?

Most financial models rely on theories of probability and statistics. In
modern physics, quantum mechanics relies heavily on statistics as a way to
explain cause and effect. But the financial world is no science experiment;
everything is for real. You can never go back to do it "right" and repeat an
"experiment." Things might work one time but may not work the next time.
When a physics-like approach is applied to financial products whose value is
heavily tied to human actions, like mortgage prepayments, it becomes a
computer game of garbage in and garbage out.

Or worse, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As risk managers used
financial models to come up with VaR for toxic products, iterating to arrive
at what they believed were successively more accurate estimates, they
developed a false sense that they were actually in control. They believed
they could accurately predict every possible cash flow scenario for a
mortgage-backed security, as well as its probability distribution. The CDOs
and the credit default swaps created through this process embedded a level
of overconfidence which killed the whole industry. You can always fool many
people for a long time, especially when you become a fool yourself.

For a time the VaR model seemed to "work," but it failed exactly when it was
needed the most. As hedge fund manager David Einhorn said in Nocera's
article, VaR is "relatively useless as a risk-management tool and
potentially catastrophic." Why so? Because we will never be able to
understand and assess the true nature of supposedly rare catastrophic
events. Statistically this is the "fat tail," an event which happens a lot
more often than we perceive and put into VaR models. Second, when it
happens, its consequences are catastrophic, potentially putting everyone out
of business. Computer models cannot handle this kind of discontinuity, which
is a little like a number divided by zero. As Nicolas Nassim Taleb said in
the article, "In the real world, the magnitude of errors is much less
known." If you don't know the true probability and potential damage, you
might as well throw the whole VaR model into garbage. To instead use it to
manage risk is absurd.

But it is worse than Nocera described. The second reason for the failure of
risk management is that financial models were all based on assumptions. It
was too easy to twist a few of them to produce the desired outcome. Risk
managers felt they are infallible, to the point of feeling like Gods. They
justified any rating for their CDOs or predicted any MBS default probability
and payment schedule they wanted. If too much risk was calculated by the
model, no problem, they just twisted a few assumptions in the Monte-Carlo
simulation of the VaR model and then re-ran it. Suddenly the distribution
graph showed the exact curve they needed. This transformed a game of false
but honest assumptions into much more insidious risk cover-up.

Most of the time common sense dictates whether you are adding or reducing
risk, without even running any models. For example, when a former high level
executive of Citigroup pushed the firm to get into the exotic derivative
areas of MBS, CDOs and CDSs, even naïve observer knew Citigroup was adding
risk to its portfolio. But by using some "magic" financial models, the risk
management group and their "renowned" consultants were able to show the
Board of Directors that Citigroup was not taking any more additional risk
and, even if it was, it could be diversified away through their global
supermarket portfolio. Risk managers twisted the model to produce the
desired future outcome, and they used financial models to justify a huge
amount of risk that has since wiped out their shareholder value many times
over. In another example, after AIG repeatedly assured investors there was
no risk at all from their CDS portfolio, with a risk model to back up their
counterintuitive assertion, a very small financial product group ultimately
wiped out the financial conglomerate.

The seductive elegance, overconfidence and abuse inherent in financial
modeling are at least part of the reason for the current credit crisis. The
more risk managers hired on Wall Street in the years running up to the
crisis, the riskier the firm proved to be. Just look at Citigroup. How many
of its employees and consultants have been, and are still, doing risk
management one way or another? When top management relentlessly pursues
quick profits by taking on more risk, risk managers become puppies. Eager to
please their managers, they use their expertise to cover up risk rather than
expose it.  Computer models become their prime weapon.

Outside of risk management, financial modeling is also heavily used in
portfolio return analysis and forecasting. For most of the last ten years of
the Greenspan era, a big myth — or "theory" — was that low cost of capital
(which Greenspan achieved by relentlessly driving down interest rates) would
lead to improved return on equity (ROE). Many people used financial models
to justify or "predict" a value for the Dow of 36,000 or even 100,000, a
so-called paradigm shift of ROE. Suddenly companies got all the free capital
they wanted, leveraging their ROE (ROE is a leveraged factor in the capital
structure).  The sky was the limit for the return to shareholders and for
their stock prices. And it was supposed to go on forever. No longer human
beings living on Earth, investors became in their own minds powerful angels
who could do no wrong, led by the maestro Greenspan. When too many people
(and their computer models) told the same lie, the lie itself became the
truth. How could Greenspan and so many other very smart people suddenly
forget the very basic economic rule that low cost of capital will eventually
lead to zero return on equity? That is a fundamental principle of

Another myth of the last decade was that using financial models in dynamic
asset allocations could improve performance. The Yale and Harvard endowment
funds used dynamic asset allocation to invest in private equities, hedge
funds, real estate and timber.  Other endowments followed their lead to
"diversify" and "rebalance" their portfolio whenever dictated by their
computer models. But they failed to realize that most of those assets are
illiquid, and when everyone is dumping them at the same time, it is a
downward spiral or worse, and there may be no way out. Computers are
notoriously bad at modeling liquidity. This was a critical lesson of the
program trading and dynamic hedging that caused the 1987 Black Monday market
crash. As Jeremy Grantham of GMO has said, in the long run, human beings
learn nothing from history, and 1987 is just two decades ago.

In a certain sense, the liquidity crisis of the last six months was
inevitable. Wall Street got complacent with computer models, and nature came
back to punish them (and the rest of us) for shrugging off the resistance to
modeling of a key factor: liquidity. Computer models depend on the
assumption of a continuous market, with a balanced equilibrium between
buyers and sellers. A situation where all the liquidity is sucked out of the
market destroys the value of all those exotic paper products. We do not need
a bunch of highly paid math geeks to run millions of Monte-Carlo simulations
to tell us that. A computer can never replace common sense.

Now we have another Fed Chairman who only knows how to print more money,
then print some more, and expand the Fed's balance sheet ever-wider.
Bernanke drops the money at only one location, Wall Street. Being an
economist and renowned monetarist, he must know that excessive printing will
eventually lead to zero value of the fiat currency, the US dollar, just as
low cost of capital eventually leads to zero ROE. If that is the inevitable
outcome, the government should drop money to the middle class and the poor,
not the super-rich bankers on Wall Street.  Since ten times zero is still
zero, what difference does it make?  In addition to being a politically
popular move, this might even avoid a few incidents of social unrest.

So-called "extreme" events with "low" probability happen more often than
people perceive in risk management. When they occur, an unforeseen tsunami
of incalculable magnitude results, destroying wealth on a scale from which
it may take a generation or two for the economy to fully recover. Meanwhile,
you can pretty much throw risk management models out the window. It does
more harm than good.*"*


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