"Quantum Entanglement Benefits Exist after Links Are Broken A way for
quantum benefits to survive after entanglement ends

By Charles Q. Choi

"Spooky action at a distance" is how Albert Einstein famously derided the
concept of quantum entanglement—where objects can become linked and
instantaneously influence one another regardless of distance. Now
researchers suggest that this spooky action in a way might work even beyond
the grave, with its effects felt after the link between objects is broken.

In experiments with quantum entanglement, which is an essential basis for
quantum computing and cryptography, physicists rely on pairs of photons.
Measuring one of an entangled pair immediately affects its counterpart, no
matter how far apart they are theoretically. The current record distance is
144 kilometers, from La Palma to Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

In practice, entanglement is an extremely delicate condition. Background
disturbances readily destroy the state—a bane for quantum computing in
particular, because calculations are done only as long as the entanglement
lasts. But for the first time, quantum physicist Seth Lloyd of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests that memories of entanglement
can survive its destruction. He compares the effect to Emily Brontë's novel
*Wuthering Heights*: "the spectral Catherine communicates with her quantum
Heathcliff as a flash of light from beyond the grave."

The insight came when Lloyd investigated what happened if entangled photons
were used for illumination. One might suppose they could help take better
pictures. For instance, flash photography shines light out and creates
images from photons that are reflected back from the object to be imaged,
but stray photons from other objects could get mistaken for the returning
signals, fuzzing up snapshots. If the flash emitted entangled photons
instead, it would presumably be easier to filter out noise signals by
matching up returning photons to linked counterparts kept as references.

Still, given how fragile entanglement is, Lloyd did not expect quantum
illumination to ever work. But "I was desperate," he recalls, keen on
winning funding from a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's sensor
program for imaging in noisy environments. Surprisingly, when Lloyd
calculated how well quantum illumination might perform, it apparently not
only worked, but "to gain the full enhancement of quantum illumination, all
entanglement must be destroyed," he explains.
 [image: Also in this issue of Scientific American]

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Lloyd admits this finding is baffling—and not just to him. Prem Kumar, a
quantum physicist at Northwestern University, was skeptical of any benefits
from quantum illumination until he saw Lloyd's math. "Everyone's trying to
get their heads around this. It's posing more questions than answers," Kumar
states. "If entanglement does not survive, but you can seem to accrue
benefits from it, it may now be up to theorists to see if entanglement is
playing a role in these advantages or if there is some other factor

As a possible explanation, Lloyd suggests that although entanglement between
the photons might technically be completely lost, some hint of it may remain
intact after a measurement. "You can think of photons as a mixture of
states. While most of these states are no longer entangled, one or a few
remain entangled, and it is this little bit in the mixture that is
responsible for this effect," he remarks.

If quantum illumination works, Lloyd suggests it could boost the sensitivity
of radar and x-ray systems as well as optical telecommunications and
microscopy by a millionfold or more. It could also lead to stealthier
military scanners because they could work even when using weaker signals,
making them easier to conceal from adversaries. Lloyd and his colleagues
detailed a proposal for practical implementation of quantum illumination in
a paper submitted in 2008 to *Physical Review Letters* building off
theoretical work presented in the September 12 *Science*.*"*


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