Leo Vuyk [cyclesi] wrote: Re "What is science?" [21st century concepts.]

"Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning 'knowledge' or 'knowing')
is the effort to discover and increase human understanding of how
physical reality works."

Dear Leo! "How - reality works," involves a Mind, (involves an "Essos").

For a "Definition of Mind" see http://www.egroups.com/message/time/13743

And, Mind involves "_The BIOsciences_," & physics involves "Biophysics."

For example: "Real Temporal Concepts" are ONLY those contained in minds;
the remainder are temporal scalar labels, as your birthdate or birthday.

"Using controlled methods, scientists collect data in the form of obser-
vations, records of observable physical evidence of natural phenomena,
and analyze this information to construct theoretical explanations of
how things work."

"Observable - evidence" is of Mind (of "Event Space Sphere Or Spheroid")
or acronym "Essos," which "records - observable BIOscientific evidence."

- "The outcome or product of this empirical scientific process is the
formulation of theory that describes human understanding of physical
processes and facilitates prediction."

"Human understanding" is of "BIOscientific processes," & involves Minds.

- The seemingly important "MVP Concept" DEFINES: "A New Mind Concept." -
2 page glossary is @ http://www.animalcontact.com/research/glossary.html

"Chimo," Inuktitut for: "To Your Great Health 7 Great Happiness" 'peter'

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