"Daily Aspirin Use May Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk (Update1)
 Email <?Subject=Bloomberg%20news:%20%20Daily Aspirin Use May Reduce
Colorectal Cancer Risk (Update1) &body=%20Daily Aspirin Use May Reduce
Colorectal Cancer Risk (Update1)

By David Olmos

Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- A once-daily dose of aspirin could reduce the risk of
developing polyps that can be the precursors to colorectal cancer,
researchers said.

People who took aspirin were 28 percent less likely to develop advanced
adenomas, a type of precancerous polyp, than those who took a placebo, or
dummy medication, according to a study by Bernard
Cole<http://www.cems.uvm.edu/~ccole/>of the University of Vermont and
colleagues. The team analyzed data from
four previous studies involving nearly 2,700 patients and also found the
pill-takers were 17 percent less likely to develop any type of adenoma, the
analysis found.

Colorectal cancer is responsible for 639,000 deaths worldwide, according to
the World Health
A key to preventing cancer is detecting polyps through screening tests and
removing them before they turn cancerous, researchers said.

"Probably all colon cancers start off as these lesions or adenomas, and if
they are not resected they can develop into colon cancer," Cole, a professor
of statistics at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, said in a
telephone interview.

The study should help clarify earlier research that suggested regular use of
aspirin could have a benefit in preventing polyps, Cole said today. The
research, previously reported by Reuters, was published in the Feb. 18 Journal
of the National Cancer Institute, <http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/>

Lowered Risk

The "substantial size" of the lowered risk of developing colon cancer
"indicates the potentially important health benefits of aspirin use," the
authors wrote in the study. The research was funded by German aspirin
maker Bayer
AG. <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=BAYER%3AGR>

Patients in the study, who were followed for an average of three years, had
a history of colorectal cancer or polyps. Regular aspirin use for patients
with no prior history of colorectal polyps would probably not be recommended
by doctors due to the increased risk of bleeding associated with the
medicine, Cole said.

"A good time to bring up aspirin use with your doctor is following a
colonoscopy," a diagnostic test used to detect polyps, Cole said.
How aspirin works to prevent polyps is "not well understood," though one
theory is that the pathway to carcinogenesis is somehow interrupted by
aspirin, Cole said."

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